According to Francis Joseph LaManna

Chapter 2

1Let’s put it like this.

2We live in a universe that’s electromagnetic. We attract to us what belongs to us. When the time is right for you, you will attract all the abundance and good fortune you can handle.


4What you’ve attracted belongs to you, it yours. She’s yours, but she’s of me. And instead of enjoying her, you desire to know and question what she’s of.

5Therefore, piece of shit, you’re no longer content with her. You’re now obsessed with me.

6The problem with that is that I don’t want to know you. I hate you. Take the blessing that you attract and enjoy it. Don’t concern yourself with me, what I’m doing, or how I do what I do.

7Personally, for me, I’m beyond duality. I walk a middle path, it’s hard, but I do it. A lot of people hate me for it. I’m not concerned with them, extremes, or people who can’t let go.

8Life is fast, live and let live.

9Because I’m beyond duality, I’m not so quick to label things as good or bad, God/Devil, and so on. But, understand something, life can be complicated.

10People who subscribe to duality do so to make sense of life. I don’t need to. Life makes sense to me.

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