Important Message Hidden Within the Current Astrology

Good Afternoon Beloved!

Let’s take a look at the current astrology provided by Thank you for your Chart of the Moment.

There are several planets in close proximity of one another in Taurus. Taurus represents practicality, patience, and dependability, and Venus is actually home in this earth sign.

When it comes to love, Taurus reminds us to take our time. Stability ranks high with the Bull, therefore, consistency over time is the key for natural selection, or separating the wheat from the chaff. Who will be there standing when the dust settles? Only time will tell.

In the 10th House, which is where matters involving personal reputations and careers manifest, Taurus points the way forward. An approach that’s quite, determined, and fixed on the task at hand will win the hearts of many. With the Sun close by, the life force powers us along. We’re blessed with warmth, will power, and all that is necessary to cultivate the life we want for ourselves.

Jupiter is on the 24th degree, and Uranus is on the 22nd degree, which means these two planets are separated by only 2 degrees. The presence of Uranus indicates freedom and independence. Uranus is life and the God of transformation. Jupiter here can be working in a twofold manner. He can either be there providing all that we need and require to achieve this transformational journey, or he can be there to represent the abundance and prosperity that can be ours when all is said and done.

It’s probably a little of both, but because he’s ahead of the pack and the closest to the end of the sign, I have a feeling he’s showing us what’s at the end of the road. It’s Gemini, and as we look to the location of Gemini’s ruler, Mercury, we see that attainment is at hand.

I had a dream last month; I was standing on the outside of a circular fence that was holding a large group of bulls. The bulls went from being quiet and sniffing the ground they walked on to an immediate state of rage, and with that rage they broke through the fence. As they ran to freedom, they smiled at me.

Do you feel stuck? Do you feel imprisoned? Confined? Well, the famous American Founder, Benjamin Franklin, once said:

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

The Bull wants stability, and it wants a place to call home and to be surrounded by all it considers beautiful, but the bull will never go along just to get along.

Jupiter is showing us the light at the end of the tunnel, which is the transformational journey represented by Uranus, and the Sun is representing the power of the human will when all the we love (Venus) is on the line. Love is on the line, and the only way to get it is through transformation. The Sun is giving us the nod, and Jupiter is showing us what can be ours.

Like the Bulls in my dream, it begins with you tearing down the temporary partitions providing safety and comfort, and going after all that is yours. Your love.

Sun and Moon Placements; A Sign of the Time

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Good Morning Beloved!

Th current alignment for the Sun and Moon are as follows;

Sun 16 Pisces

Moon 24 Capricorn

With the Sun on the 16th degree of Pisces, spirituality is brought into focus, and it should be apparent that life and most of everything in it has a natural flow or rhythm.

Pisces is feminine mutable water.  Do not resist what the inner voice says to you today and tomorrow.  Inspiration and the push forward comes from intuition, so, believe in yourself and the faith that grounds you.

In the hard working and dedicated sign of Capricorn, emotionally, we’re encouraged to remain persistent.  Sometimes, life has a way of beating us down, but we don’t have to stay down.  On the flip side of this, you may feel upset or discouraged from not getting an opportunity or a chance to move on with your life.

As the Sun and Moon work together, we can feel the energies in their rawest forms.  We’re grounded by earth once we have a chance to experience what feels right to us, and that gives us a clearer mind to listen to and follow intuition.

The key now is seeking peace and serenity because as long as you’re acting with love in your heart, the universe will show you the way forward.

As I’m writing this my beloved, I sympathize with those of you who might be in a situation where it’s impossible to get centered, and once you do, someone or something knocks you off balance.

I suggest reading the Sabian Symbol for Pisces 17 again.  The answers for this dilemma can be found there and at Neptune’s placement on the 26th degree of Pisces.  

I really felt compelled to at least make an attempt to try to explain this current time we’re in despite the fact that most people will either dismiss it or not understand.  

But then I saw a sign revealing the current time.

On this website, I’ve talked a lot about the work of other people, Cal Garrison being one of them. She wrote the Weiser Field Guide to Ascension, which was published in 2010. I think it was around that time that I purchased and read it for the first time, but it’s still in my possession and I’ve read it many times since 2010.

Every time I read it, something new appears. On page 211, it says:

That two-year window came to a close at the end of October 2009. If you’re reading this book, chances are it is late spring or perhaps the early summer of 2010 (early summer 2010 for me). Some have predicted that the ascension would be a thing of the past before anyone opened these pages; others told us it was sure to happen in August of 2010, which means that this field guide is either gone with the wind or is about to provide everyone with a down-to-the-wire Cliff’s Notes for an event that is slated to take place in no time at all. If all of us are still present and accounted for, at this point it might be good to look at how we’re going to approach the ascension and consider the reality of the pole shift in more detail.

Cal Garrison

I highlighted gone with the wind and pole shift.

Well, I shared with all of you my astrological birth chart, and I showed all of you how my nodal axis is aligned between Pisces and Aquarius, and Virgo and Leo. That not only means that my nodal axis is aligned properly with the time marking the beginning and end of the Grand Cycle, but it’s aligned properly to mark the suspected times of earth’s pole shifts, which is approximately every 13,000 years.

They said before we entered the time of this shift, there would be an awakening. I described my personal awakening in a YouTube video recently, but I just realized last week, that current position of the outer planets point to what I experienced in 2013, and what Garrison was talking about in her book.

Neptune 26 degrees Pisces, Pluto 1 degree Aquarius, and Uranus 19 degrees Taurus.

If you’re following the Sabian Symbols for those placements, then you’ll see that:

Pluto represents the “Old Adobe Mission” If you read Garrison’s book then you know the importance of the pueblo or the old adobe mission.

Neptune represents the realization of faith and the Soul’s freedom to choose

Uranus represents the Awakening

The current alignment of the outer planets is just now starting to point at ascension. In addition to that I just saw this:

The picture above is a still shot from the YouTube Short video I made in 2019 or 2020 to advertise my new book. Look in the upper left hand corner.

“Gone With the Wind” just like it says on page 211 in Garrison’s Book.

I sit here every day, when I’m not working, and I wonder why I haven’t accumulated any money. I even wrote an article on here about how it seems like I find myself in poverty every 12 years. How can that be? I’ve written three books, I’ve been running my own website, which is monetized for six years, I work, I have a college degree, and on and on…

How am I poor? Why am I poor? In my relentless pursuit of the almighty dollar, I turned to Garrison’s book once again and that’s when I saw on page 210:

Perhaps, I’ve been fighting against this natural flow of life. Maybe, there’s something I need to accomplish before I can start making money. Right here, in the Weiser Field Guide to Ascension, it says that at this time, knowing who we are is more important than making money.

Maybe, for me personally, my inability to make money is the result of me fighting against the natural flow of life. You cannot walk without crawling first.

There are levels and steps to everything, and how ironic is it that according to the astrological birth chart, the first house is the House of Self, and the second House is the House of Money and Possessions.

With Easter coming up at the end of this month, the alignment of the outer planets, the new discoveries I’ve made in Garrison’s book, and everything else I’ve seen, heard, and experienced, I’m recognizing that the time is now.

So, where do we go from here?

Astrology News

January 8, 2024

It’s Monday, January 8th, and tonight’s crescent Moon is waning. With only 9% of illumination, with should see a thin slice in the heavens this evening. 

The first Moon phase of 2024 begins on January 11th (111), with a new moon in the astrological sign, Capricorn. The new moon in Capricorn reminds us of the balance that’s needed between our emotional side (moon) and how we respond or react (moon). Capricorn is a pragmatic sign that rewards through consistency and hard work. If we aren’t in control of our emotions, then we cannot carry out the pragmatic approach Capricorn requires. 

This afternoon at exactly 12 o’clock, the Sun on the 17th degree of Capricorn in the 10th House (Career/Public Reputation) was in trine 🔺 with Uranus on the 19th degree of Taurus in the 1st House (Self). With the Sun and Uranus in trine, their relationship is lucky, positive, and productive. 

The connection here is between the 1st House, which represents you, and the 10th House issues of career and reputation. The work we chose to do, how we earn our money, and what we do for a living is directly connected to how we see ourselves and how we present ourselves to the public. 

With Uranus involved, there’s a much needed transformation coming in those areas. The Sun represents a lot of things, but one of the most important is human will. If you’ve been grounded (Earth) and pragmatic (Capricorn) in your approach to 10th House issues, then the higher octaves of Uranus will take us to the next level. With Uranus in Taurus, persistence is the key, and if you’ve been persistent, then it’s payoff time. 

If you’ve been doing the work, then you can expect from this alignment, to see a breakthrough in the 10th House as it relates to your 1st House. 

What does this mean? 

Maybe it’s a promotion. Maybe it’s a job change, but not just any job change. It might be a change that removes you from an ordinary job, and puts you in a position you’ve always wanted. This change could be from ordinary job to a real career, and there’s a difference between taking any job, and being hired to do something you’ve always to do.

With Uranus involved, this energy is transformational! It’s life changing. Suddenly, the opinions you have of yourself are changed, which will without a doubt change the opinions people have of you. Suddenly, the people around you respect and admire you. Having the right career can do this. 

When it comes to the connection between self and career, you can expect new opportunities that have the power to change your life. Capricorn is patient, it’s about taking little steps until an opportunity presents itself, and no one in the zodiac is better than Capricorn when it comes to seizing the moment.

Astrological Candopelene

Candopelene is the mental and psychological effects of, or how we’re affected by something. You will not find candopelene in a dictionary because I just created it.

Today’s astrological chart reading for 3:09 PM (ET) reveals a feminine-dominated energy. This is a very hard energy to work with because as I’ve stated in past articles, when you have water and earth, you get mud. According to my own methods for chart reading and analysis, this would be a cardinal/fixed cross, and the challenge here is discriminating between what we perceive to be good or good for us, and the truth of what actually is.

The challenge is to separate intuition, our real inner guidance, from that, which appeals to our senses and ultimately leads us astray on a never-ending quest to quench our personal desires. With the ascendant in fixed Taurus and the midheaven in cardinal Capricorn, sensuality is at the forefront. There’s a time for everything, and the time is calling for personal enjoyment.

We have the Sun conjunct Mars in Sagittarius in the 7th house. The willful Sun and war oriented Mars are giving us the power and energy forge ahead and be pioneers when it comes to relationships and partnerships, but the Moon in Virgo is saying, “slow your roll.”

The Moon is squared to both the Sun and Mars, and so we must take the Moon’s call for diplomacy into consideration here for two reasons. One, the overall energy is feminine, and two, 50% of the energy is fixed. Fixed, as in rigid and inflexible. I would like to compare the cardinal/fixed cross to someone making a decision to take action based on what they’ve always known and believed. The problem here is that the person, because they’ve been unwilling to change or consider someone else’s point of view, is now incapable of seeing the bigger picture.

With that in mind, you can see why or how the Sun’s 7th house conjunction with Mars in Sagittarius is necessary in this situation. We absolutely need to broaden our horizons, form friendships and partnerships that can help us, and in a sense, branch out.

But at what cost?

So, we take heed to the Moon’s call for diplomacy. The Moon is forming a brilliant trine with Mercury in Capricorn in the 8th house of death and regeneration. Communication should be cunning instead of forceful now. Make a commitment and be persistent, and if you must indulge in what pleases you, use moderation. Nothing muddies the waters more than drugs and alcohol-keep that in mind.

The Moon is requiring more information before she can get on board with moving ahead, or blessing that conjunction between the Sun and Mars. She’s in Virgo, and Virgo is a very conscientious and discriminating sign. The Moon is asking us to conduct our research thoroughly and carefully. With all this fixed energy, mutable Virgo is the perfect placement for the Moon right now.

Thank you for visiting Nooz Buffet, and this is the Astrological Candopelene for the next twenty-four hours.

Moon Scope, Triple Conjunction

October 14, 2023 Edition

Good evening beloved, and welcome to this edition of Moon Scope. This article was only going to be about the triple conjunction I saw in Libra about 30 minutes ago, but then I realized this was the night of the new, so, I decided to interpret everything together.

The interesting thing is that when I looked at the current alignment at 5:10 PM east coast time, I saw the Moon and the Sun almost occupied the same degree and Mercury wasn’t far behind, and they all happened to be in Libra and Libra was home is the seventh house. And, if that wasn’t enough, tonight is the new moon as well.

Sometimes we feel anxious, or we feel this unexplainable sense of urgency and we have no answer for it, but after some time passes, we realize that our intuition and inner power is pushing us towards something we need or should be doing.

At this point, from reading the Moon Scopes here on N.B., you guys are aware that the moon represents the subconscious mind-the part of our brains that store information for later dates. The subconscious is stimulated by symbols and shapes (among other things), and when we notice these things in our environment, all this knowledge and all these ideas we never knew we had or were concerned with, start pushing forward into the everyday part of the brain, which is ruled by Mercury.

Mercury represents the awakened mind, the part of our brains we use everyday for thinking and making decisions. Mercury is also the planet, or spirit of communication and commerce. Mercury is quick, and he is the God of borders and boundaries, divination, and luck.

The Sun, we know represents us and our inner will power. It represents the spot, the source, and the location of our ultimate happiness and success in the chart.

So, what does this conjunction mean?

Well, we have a new moon cycle beginning tonight in Libra, so we seem to keep having this repeating theme for an opportunity to begin anew once we have the balance to do so. The Sun will willfully push all those subconscious ideas and information you’ve been unaware of and storing to the surface now, and Mercury will take over from there.

The energy from this conjunction will manifest in the 7th House, so whatever is causing that urgency or anxiousness will have to do will contracts, partnerships-including marriages, and open enemies (competition).

It could be that you’re getting older and your friends and family members are wondering if you’re ever going to get married or have children. Maybe, you’ve been wanting to and now, you’re starting to feel that push from within to start making it happen. It could be a move to a new location, or a contract is waiting for your signature.

When it comes to open enemies in the seventh house, these aren’t people that are necessarily looking to kick your ass. They could be people you’re competing with for a job, or it could be another company that does what your company does.

When it comes to people standing in your way of success, which is what I’m dealing with now, you have to be patient and smart, and we’re lucky because all three planets and this new moon are in an air sign. Air signs embody the cunning, creative, and intelligent ways of dealing with these people and solving our problems. It’s hard when you got people above you that don’t want to let you in or give you a chance.

Sometimes, a move is required. This means a change of job, or moving to a new physical place. If the people in your current surroundings aren’t supporting what you’re trying to do, it might be worth considering a move to new place.

And, this is urgent. Don’t be afraid to operate outside the boundaries of what everyone considers normal or logical. In order to let the magic of life unfold, you have think outside the box and be a mold breaker.

Transiting Libra

September 26, 2023

Astrologically, our sun has left Virgo and is now on the 3rd degree of Libra. Happy birthday to all the people out there who were born when the sun was in Libra. They say the entire personality of an individual is made up of three placements in the birth chart, the placement of the ascendant, the position of the moon, and of course, the alignment of the sun. I would agree with that, but I do think there’s more to it than the placement of those three.

Of those three, the alignment of your sun would be the most important. Our sun, as we’re told, is the only object in the solar system that gives life. Without the heat and light of the sun, life on earth would cease to exist. When I look at a birth chart, that’s something I consider.

The sun’s placement would then represent the source of will and life. In Libra, the individual should be strong morally and have a good sense of judgement. This person could feel deeply about justice and equality. Love, balance, and harmony play heavily into the personality and life of this person.

Libra is masculine air, and Libra is one of four cardinal signs. Cardinal signs by nature are action oriented. If the zodiac was a giant belt that needed gears to power it, cardinal signs would be those gears. So, when you combine that with what the sign represents, we have a personality type that strives for or seeks to provide diplomacy and balance. Libra’s are usually active, artistic, and peaceable.

Remember, Venus, the planet of love, is the ruling planet of Libra, so love and what a person perceives to be beautiful are at the core of what motivates them to do what they do. They fill their living space with objects they think are beautiful because beauty brings harmony to that space. Having said that, Libra people do have an eye for beauty, and they have good judgement weather it be something that looks nice or judgement of character.

They’re smart, and they rely on intellect. They like to balance, and they feel incomplete without their other half. Like the scale needs two sides to weight properly, Libra people need that union to feel at their best and most productive.

Happy Birthday Libra!

7th House Illuminated by Powerful Conjunction

Hello everyone!

I hope you’re all having a wonderful day. The Sun is now on the 13th degree of Virgo, which means it’s almost halfway through its transit of the Virgin. Wow, that was fast. So, Mercury, the planet of communication and travel, is also in Virgo at the moment on the 14th degree.

This alignment between the Sun and Mercury is called a conjunction, and the degrees of separation vary with astrologers, but personally, I feel like the energy of two planets combined can hold power up until about 8 degrees. With 1 degree separating Mercury and the Sun, I’d say this connection is pretty potent.

Photo by Feyza Dau015ftan on

Now, because Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods, is the ruling planet of Virgo, he’s home. Whenever a planet is in the sign it rules, its comfortable. I guess you could compare it to your favorite sports team playing at home versus on the road.

Both planets are in Virgo in the 7th House, and the 7th House is the area of the chart where the energies can manifest into the areas of our lives involving partnerships, marriages, contracts, and open enemies. Open enemies means those we’re familiar with, and these people are usually competitors.

Virgo is very technical and precise, so, as we begin to analyze the Sun/Mercury conjunction in this sign in the 7th House, we must focus our attention on the day to day mind. A lot of people don’t know this, but Mercury represents our everyday mind, not the subconscious mind.

There’s a huge boost coming our way involving precise communication. If you’re about to sign a contract of any type, make sure you read over all the details before signing. This could also be a lease for a rental, or any type of written agreement involving the transfer or the borrowing of goods or possessions.

For those couples who are engaged to be married, now is the perfect time to open up a conversation and discuss the details of your special day.


If you’re dating, and things are getting serious between the two of you, now is the time to speak to your partner about what you want and what you expect moving forward.

Virgo is also very analytical, industrious, and detail oriented. There could be lot’s of conversations involving details on how to be better or how to make things better or improve. If you’re on the brink of success or close to achieving personal goals, now is the time to fine tune things.

It’s definitely time to get rid of everything no longer serving a purpose and whatever is holding you back. Take this time to study the board in front of you, and gather the information you need.

Preparation and planning is the key, and when that moment arrives where you need to speak, write, compete, or make that presentation, you’ll not only be ready, but you’ll have the edge over your competition.

A conjunction between Mercury and the Sun in Virgo gives us exactly what we need to regain our edge.

The Sun and Jupiter; 72 Degrees of Friendship

July 18, 2023; 4:08 PM

Sun Quintile Jupiter

At 4:08 PM today, I saw the Sun in the 8th House on the 25th degree of Cancer ♋️ in aspect to Jupiter in the 6th House on the 12th degree of Taurus ♉️.

When Juipter is in the 6th House, there’s a big-time commitment to work. It might be the work we do for a living to earn a paycheck, or it could be the work we put into a health regimen or training routine.

Taurus is a fixed sign, and it’s a bit stubborn, but on a positive note, the bull’s singlemindedness gives it the ability to stay consistent to the task at hand.

But, with the bull’s resistance to change, we run the risk of a serious burnout. There could be health issues because of a lack of sleep or a lack of nutrition, which has a domino effect on the immune system levels.

Jupiter is the planet of expansion, and once that faucet is turned on, the water will fill that bowl until overflow occurs.

The gracious and willful sun taps his buddy on the shoulder here and says, “Hey, Jupiter, don’t forget to take a break. Don’t forget to sleep, and don’t forget about food and drink. You’re doing a fabulous job and making tremendous gains, but you’ll only go as far as healthy body allows.”

Have a great day, and thank you for visiting N.B.

9th House Hosting Sun Plus 4

The astrological 9th House is known to be a broader version of the 3rd. The energetic relationships between planets and the influence of planetary archetypes can manifest in the 9th House and be relative to long-distance travel, higher thinking, philosophy, higher education, and publishing and literary pursuits.

Right now, Taurus is taking up the majority of space in the 9th House, and there’s definitely an abundance of energy in Taurus.

There’s a conjunction with the Sun on the 26th degree and Uranus on the 19th degree. Taurus is a sign of love and beauty, it’s ruled by Venus the Goddess of love, and it’s natural home is the 2nd House of possessions.

A conjunction between the Sun and Uranus can deliver a blast of will power to a necessary awakening. Taurus energy can be lazy, and the 9th House is definitely not a place for laziness. Uranus is jolting us to awaken because there’s much to gain (possessions) from pursuits in the 9th House. It could be a sudden interest to travel somewhere , or it could be a sudden interest to study and devote oneself to sacred or philosophical texts. Possessions need not always be something tangible, the truth perhaps, can be one of the greatest possessions of all.

On the other end of the sign, we have Jupiter 0 degree, the moon 4th degree, and Mercury on the 6th degree; that’s a three planet conjunction. Jupiter is sign of expansion and abundance, the Moon represents our subconscious mind, and Mercury represents our the part of our brain we use for everyday thinking. Given the sign and house and the conjunction between Uranus and the Sun, this three-way conjunction is showing an opportunity for mental expansion, and more importantly, the discovery of something previously unknown.

The presence of Mercury indicates communication of some kind, and this could be a conversation with someone who’s in possession of information or knowledge you need. It could also be you communicating the discoveries you’ve made during quiet study or meditation.

It’s not often we see five planets in one sign, and it wont last long. The Sun and the Moon will both enter Gemini in a few days.

Harmonious and Favorable

This morning, at approximately 10:08, the 10th House Sun (9 degrees ♉️) was within 120 degrees of the 3rd House Moon (9 degrees ♍️). In astrology, when two planets are within 120 degrees of one another, we call it a trine; it’s a harmonious and favorable aspect.

Because Taurus and Virgo are both earth signs, it’s an earth trine.

The energy right now is favorable for communications and local travel. Today is Sunday, and if you have the day off from work, it’s the perfect time for shopping, visiting family and friends, or doing something you’ve been dying to do all week but haven’t had the time. Just getting out of the house and cruising through your old neighborhood might be what you need to put things into perspective.

As far as conversations go, right now, it could be extremely beneficial to speak with someone of the opposite sex, maybe your significant other. With the Moon and Sun in trine, only good things can come out of sharing information, your feelings, or your plans about your current profession.

Someone from the opposite sex might be able to provide you with an angle or a view you were previously unaware of.

I see something more in this reading.

With the Sun and Moon in trine, there’s harmony between man and woman, night and day, and all the other things represented by both luminaries. In addition, through Virgo, the Moon brings tremendous focus and attention to detail to the table. In Taurus, the Sun, which is already blessing 10th House endeavors with will power, will now because of the Bull, have staying power and the ability to settle in, get comfortable, and make a serious run.

With the placement of the Moon in the 3rd House, and the Sun in the 10th, I think this might be the perfect time to start a home-based business. I see nothing but opportunities for success and public notoriety.

You can write, start a podcast, and create a website from the comforts of your own home, and with the Sun shining in the 10th House, public recognition is sure to follow.

Open up the lines of communication and bring the discussion to the table!