Nooz Buffet Surpasses 1,000!

Well, it took exactly 4 1/2 years, but we just passed 1,000 posts! A few days ago I was going through my stats and saw we were around 1,010.

I think I’ll quietly celebrate this, enjoy it for a night or two, and then get back to work.

Thank you everyone! Thanks for reading, following, liking, and commenting! I love all of you and appreciate your support.

The biblical numerology for the number 1,000 is divine completeness and father’s glory. I thought that was interesting and worth sharing.

Photo by cottonbro studio on

Fantastic 4; It’s an Anniversary Celebration!

I think the best way to start this post is by saying thank you! September is our anniversary month here at Nooz Buffet, and September of 2022 marks our 4-year anniversary. Yes, it has been 4 years since our humble beginning on WordPress, and this will be our 5th September since 2018.

I started this blog before I began writing books, and I’m glad I did. Nooz Buffet has provided me an outlet for self-expression and a platform from which I can speak, and I truly enjoy being apart of the WP Community. I’ve met wonderful people and talented artists over the years, and I’ve even maintained a real-life relationship with some of my followers. 👍💙

Photo by Inga Seliverstova on

Since 2018, our following has grown, and as a result, visits, likes, and views have been on a slow and steady incline. January, February, March, and April of this year were record breaking months for us and that, I owe to all of you!

On an international level, I’d like to recognize India, South Africa, United Kingdom, and Malaysia. Thank you!

I love all of you, and I appreciate your support. Thank you for visiting and following Nooz Buffet!

Photo by Pineapple Supply Co. on

As the Seasons Change and Time Moves Forward, We Move With it

When I registered with WordPress in 2018, I had no idea it was the first day of Fall. Every year now, in the month of September, we celebrate both. It’s hard to believe, but yesterday was our 3-year anniversary. I’d like to thank all of our readers, followers, and fans; we love you and appreciate your support.

Today is September 23rd, which means in seven more days 2021 will be 75% or three quarters done. It’s basic math-twelve months in year are broken down into 3-month quarters.

Yesterday, the 22nd, was the first official day of Fall. According to the craft, the autumn equinox (first day of Fall) is the time when the God prepares to leave and the Goddess rests. Today, this day is celebrated as Thanksgiving. The Pilgrims celebrated it September, but in the nineteenth century, it was changed to November by Abraham Lincoln.