A Glimpse Into the Astrology of Joan Jett

September 22, 1958

Rock Legend, Joan Jett, will be 66 this year, and yes, she’s a native of Pennsylvania. I think it’s interesting how certain celebrities come to my mind for astrological interpretation. There’s really no rhyme or reason to it, they just pop in my head, and what I find most interesting is that after looking at the chart, there’s always some planetary alignment I’ll have in common with the person.

With Joan Jett, she has Chiron on the 18th degree of Aquarius, which is where my Sun is located. The core wounding for Chiron in Aquarius is disappointment in self, self-destruction, feeling invisible, and a disconnection from one’s body.

Clearly, Joan Jett is not afflicted by her Chiron placement as a healed Chiron manifests as an authentic connection to others and the community, the ability to express feelings, and in touch with intuition. Jett is an amazing example of someone not only stepping into her power, but embracing it to the fullest.

The 18th degree of Aquarius has to do with truth and trust. “An unmasked man,” as the Sabian Symbol shows, reminds us that no matter how hard we try to hide the truth, it will always come out in the end. So, the lesson is really about embracing our eccentricities and the things that make us different, because ultimately, they’re what make us special and what will bond us to others.

She has Jupiter on the 2nd degree of Scorpio, which is where my Moon is, and her Moon on the 29th degree of Capricorn is within two degrees of my descendent.

Jett was born on September 22nd, which puts her Sun on the Libra Virgo Cusp. Venus, the planet ruling Libra, and Mercury, the planet ruling Virgo are in a conjunction in Virgo separated by two degrees. That’s the Goddess of Love and Beauty linked with the God of Communication.

That’s a person who loves expressing herself!

Virgo 16 degrees (Venus) is about embracing the beast within us, and the Sabian Symbol for Virgo 18 degrees (Mercury) shows an Ouija board. That’s about intuition, which directly connects her Venus and Mercury conjunction back to the placement of Chiron.

Rock on Joan!

Important Message Hidden Within the Current Astrology

Good Afternoon Beloved!

Let’s take a look at the current astrology provided by https://www.astro.com/free/free_chart_e.htm. Thank you for your Chart of the Moment.

There are several planets in close proximity of one another in Taurus. Taurus represents practicality, patience, and dependability, and Venus is actually home in this earth sign.

When it comes to love, Taurus reminds us to take our time. Stability ranks high with the Bull, therefore, consistency over time is the key for natural selection, or separating the wheat from the chaff. Who will be there standing when the dust settles? Only time will tell.

In the 10th House, which is where matters involving personal reputations and careers manifest, Taurus points the way forward. An approach that’s quite, determined, and fixed on the task at hand will win the hearts of many. With the Sun close by, the life force powers us along. We’re blessed with warmth, will power, and all that is necessary to cultivate the life we want for ourselves.

Jupiter is on the 24th degree, and Uranus is on the 22nd degree, which means these two planets are separated by only 2 degrees. The presence of Uranus indicates freedom and independence. Uranus is life and the God of transformation. Jupiter here can be working in a twofold manner. He can either be there providing all that we need and require to achieve this transformational journey, or he can be there to represent the abundance and prosperity that can be ours when all is said and done.

It’s probably a little of both, but because he’s ahead of the pack and the closest to the end of the sign, I have a feeling he’s showing us what’s at the end of the road. It’s Gemini, and as we look to the location of Gemini’s ruler, Mercury, we see that attainment is at hand.

I had a dream last month; I was standing on the outside of a circular fence that was holding a large group of bulls. The bulls went from being quiet and sniffing the ground they walked on to an immediate state of rage, and with that rage they broke through the fence. As they ran to freedom, they smiled at me.

Do you feel stuck? Do you feel imprisoned? Confined? Well, the famous American Founder, Benjamin Franklin, once said:

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

The Bull wants stability, and it wants a place to call home and to be surrounded by all it considers beautiful, but the bull will never go along just to get along.

Jupiter is showing us the light at the end of the tunnel, which is the transformational journey represented by Uranus, and the Sun is representing the power of the human will when all the we love (Venus) is on the line. Love is on the line, and the only way to get it is through transformation. The Sun is giving us the nod, and Jupiter is showing us what can be ours.

Like the Bulls in my dream, it begins with you tearing down the temporary partitions providing safety and comfort, and going after all that is yours. Your love.

Is There a Connection Between Chinon and Chiron?

It was said that at one time, the term Born Again literally meant that one was born again or had reincarnated.  Today, born again has taken on a somewhat different meaning that one could assume is only a symbolic representation of.

But you guys know me, and you know that I’ve spent years studying reincarnation.  I believe it.

People say that Mother Earth is a living breathing organism with a heartbeat or pulse rate (Schuman Resonance), and if you agree with that, then perhaps there’s the possibility that these amazing crop circles we’ve seeing pop up are an outward manifestion of what’s on the inside of Mother.  Maybe she’s revealing her heart.

Between 2015 and 2020, a crop circle formation popped up of the Templar Cross with no answers as to where it came from or who might’ve been responsible for creating it.

Interestingly enough, this was several years after the publication of Robert Howell’s book, Inside the Priory of Sion, and just about the time that the show Knightfall premiered, which was all about the Templar Knights.

So, what’s the connection here?

There was a document that was lost in the Vatican library archives that was rediscovered in 2001.  It was called the Chinon Parchment, and apparently, it talked about the investigation into the original claims and charges of heresy that were brought against the Templars.

Several Cardinals from the Vatican had decided not to put the Templars to death for these claims, instead, they decided to allow the Templars to continue their business under a different name.

Unfortunately, the King of France owed the Templars a lot of money because he was borrowing from them to finance his wars.  The debt eventually grew to outrageous levels, and the King of France had no intention of paying it back, so he decided to go after the Templars.

He was furious that they beat the charges of heresy, which in those days was punishable by death, so he decided to murder the Pope, and replace him with a close personal friend.  With the King of France and the Pope now on the same page, the Templars were in serious trouble, and we all heard the stories about how the Templars were burned alive, crucified, and brutally murdered.

It is my personal opinion that the Founding Fathers of America, like Benjamin Franklin and George Washington, who were well known Masons, were also Templars hiding under a new name.  That’s why they created America with the separation between the church and the state.

Knowing your history so you’re not doomed to repeat it makes all the sense in the world now, and no longer would any church and government be able to team up and attack a free people.

Now, remember, I believe in reincarnation. 

In astrology, we have this little symbol that looks like a key.  It’s called Chiron.

Astrologically, Chiron is said to represent a core wound within us that we either bring into this life from a previous one, which means that’s it’s unresolved karma, or it’s one that developed during childhood.

Chinon and Chiron look similar.  Very similar. 

So, if reincarnation is real, and Chiron represents a core wound we brought into this life as unresolved karma, then there’s a real connection between what happened to the Templars eventually and the wounds we seek to heal in this life that are represented by Chiron.

If the Chinon Parchment reveals the truth that the Pope initially cleared the Templars of all heresy charges preventing their untimely deaths, then everything would’ve been fine if the story ended there.

But it didnt. 

Because the King of France wanted to murder every Templar living on the earth and needed the Vaticans help to do it, then that would explain the unresolved karma.

Before the Grand Master of the Templars was brought to the stake to be burned alive, he put a curse on both the King and the Pope, and both died in that same year.

Think about this situation. 

You’re a Templar knight, your organization was originally funded by the Vatican in its infancy stages, and you fought for God and pledged your allegiance to the Pope.

The Templars and the Pope were together at one time.  It was the King of France who turned the church against the Templars.

Now, you’re being crucified and burned alive for charges you were already acquitted of.

If you look at a book that specifically deals with Chiron, you’ll see how the wounds you have are defined by Chirons’ placements in the signs and houses.

For example, I have Chiron in the 10th House in Taurus. That means my wounds in the 10th House are related to career and reputation with the public, and because they’re in Taurus, they are, A lack of self-worth, A lack of feeling solid or safe, Value based on material possessions, and always vulnerable.

If we go back to what happened to the Templars, we see betrayal, deceit, manipulation, jealousy, envy, greed, hatred, infiltration at the highest levels, and we see a massive conspiracy to commit genocide.

The King and the Pope had full control of Europe, so it was the Templars against the world, literally.

Untimely deaths and murder result in unresolved karma, and all those wounds I just listed for someone having Chiron in Taurus have one thing in common.  As a matter of fact, all the wounds that Chiron represents in all of the zodiac signs have one common root that can also be found in the story with the Templars.

Trust!  Almost all of those Chirotic wounds develope out of a lack of trust.

Well, if you’re the victim of a massive conspiracy aimed to kill you and everyone you know in the manner it was done, you wouldn’t trust anyone afterwards.

So, here we are.  It’s 2024, and some karma has been left unresolved.

Gemini’s Current Stop in the 9th House

Friends, Fans, and Followers;

Good Evening!

The astrological 9th House is an interesting place. In the 9th House, we can find information regarding international traveling. The 9th House is known as the home of long-distance journeys and long journeys in general.

If you wanted to take a trip that required leaving the country, the 9th House is where you’d look, but in general terms, long journeys can apply to different things. If you decided to attend college and major in communication, well, by the time you graduate and earn that degree in communication, you’ll be able to look back on that experience and say “it was a long journey”.

What about a person who wakes up one day and realizes they need to get help overcoming an addiction that took over their life? Recovery and sobriety is a long journey.

What about the athlete who breaks a bone or tears a muscle playing the sport they love? Healing and re-strengthening the afflicted area can be a long journey depending on how severely they were injured.

The first book I wrote was titled Smorgasbord, and then I wrote a sequel, and finally, I decided the series needed a third book. That was a long journey. Writing a book can be a long journey.

The path of spirituality, from the time of your initial awakening to the time of self-discovery, individuation, enlightenment, and the acquisition of healing or super-natural abilities is a long journey.

The 9th House also holds information related to philosophical and metaphysical issues.

When it comes to communication, because the 9th House is opposite of the 3rd, it deals with communication on a much broader, wider, and higher level. If speaking to a friend is a 3rd House issue, then speaking to a large audience or having a job as a radio broadcaster would be a 9th House issue. Writing a letter would be a 3rd House thing, and writing a book would be a 9th House thing.

♊ Gemini ♊

Popularly, Gemini is known as the sign of the Twins, and while that is true, Gemini, on a much deeper level, is the sign of Brotherly Love. In the constellation Gemini, there are two stars known as Castor and Pollux. The Romans and the Greeks knew Castor and Pollux as brothers, and one day when Castor was killed, Pollux went to his father, Zeus, and asked if he could trade places with his brother. Zeus suggested that Pollux share his immortality with his brother, and that’s what he did.

Gemini represents the undying selfless love that shared between two brothers, a love so strong that one brother would not be able to live without the other. That’s powerful love.

With Gemini in the 9th House, we come face to face with two sides of the self. There’s the new you, the transformed you, and the you that’s standing at the end of the journey. He’s looking back at his old self, the self that was injured, addicted to drugs, or immature and uneducated at the beginning of some long process.

With that old self, as much as we may have loved the time and the memories that the old self produced, we have no alternative but to let it all go now that the journey is over.

In addition to that example, there’s something more. A long journey is something that is not only personal but something one must be personally motivated to embark on. It is often on these long journeys, where people are following their hearts, that we meet the people we have the most in common with. Two people journeying through life may meet here in the 9th House and either fall in love, or form a friendship that lasts a lifetime.

Gemini is also a mutable air sign. This tells us that intelligence, adaptable intelligence is the way forward. For example, sometimes we think we have all the answers. Then, we soon find out that what we’ve always thought or known to be, was inaccurate or completely false. Well, you’re survival through the 9th House depends on your ability to move forward adapting to new truths, or beliefs.

Gemini, because of it’s dual nature, is an excellent sign to have in the 9th House. Before embarking on any journey, a person would want to collect as much information and learn as much as possible. Gemini represents the ability of learning or having the knowledge present of both the light and the dark. When Gemini is in the 9th House, there’s a rare opportunity present.

Take advantage.

Sun and Moon Placements; A Sign of the Time

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Good Morning Beloved!

Th current alignment for the Sun and Moon are as follows;

Sun 16 Pisces

Moon 24 Capricorn

With the Sun on the 16th degree of Pisces, spirituality is brought into focus, and it should be apparent that life and most of everything in it has a natural flow or rhythm.

Pisces is feminine mutable water.  Do not resist what the inner voice says to you today and tomorrow.  Inspiration and the push forward comes from intuition, so, believe in yourself and the faith that grounds you.

In the hard working and dedicated sign of Capricorn, emotionally, we’re encouraged to remain persistent.  Sometimes, life has a way of beating us down, but we don’t have to stay down.  On the flip side of this, you may feel upset or discouraged from not getting an opportunity or a chance to move on with your life.

As the Sun and Moon work together, we can feel the energies in their rawest forms.  We’re grounded by earth once we have a chance to experience what feels right to us, and that gives us a clearer mind to listen to and follow intuition.

The key now is seeking peace and serenity because as long as you’re acting with love in your heart, the universe will show you the way forward.

As I’m writing this my beloved, I sympathize with those of you who might be in a situation where it’s impossible to get centered, and once you do, someone or something knocks you off balance.

I suggest reading the Sabian Symbol for Pisces 17 again.  The answers for this dilemma can be found there and at Neptune’s placement on the 26th degree of Pisces.  

I really felt compelled to at least make an attempt to try to explain this current time we’re in despite the fact that most people will either dismiss it or not understand.  

But then I saw a sign revealing the current time.

On this website, I’ve talked a lot about the work of other people, Cal Garrison being one of them. She wrote the Weiser Field Guide to Ascension, which was published in 2010. I think it was around that time that I purchased and read it for the first time, but it’s still in my possession and I’ve read it many times since 2010.

Every time I read it, something new appears. On page 211, it says:

That two-year window came to a close at the end of October 2009. If you’re reading this book, chances are it is late spring or perhaps the early summer of 2010 (early summer 2010 for me). Some have predicted that the ascension would be a thing of the past before anyone opened these pages; others told us it was sure to happen in August of 2010, which means that this field guide is either gone with the wind or is about to provide everyone with a down-to-the-wire Cliff’s Notes for an event that is slated to take place in no time at all. If all of us are still present and accounted for, at this point it might be good to look at how we’re going to approach the ascension and consider the reality of the pole shift in more detail.

Cal Garrison

I highlighted gone with the wind and pole shift.

Well, I shared with all of you my astrological birth chart, and I showed all of you how my nodal axis is aligned between Pisces and Aquarius, and Virgo and Leo. That not only means that my nodal axis is aligned properly with the time marking the beginning and end of the Grand Cycle, but it’s aligned properly to mark the suspected times of earth’s pole shifts, which is approximately every 13,000 years.

They said before we entered the time of this shift, there would be an awakening. I described my personal awakening in a YouTube video recently, but I just realized last week, that current position of the outer planets point to what I experienced in 2013, and what Garrison was talking about in her book.

Neptune 26 degrees Pisces, Pluto 1 degree Aquarius, and Uranus 19 degrees Taurus.

If you’re following the Sabian Symbols for those placements, then you’ll see that:

Pluto represents the “Old Adobe Mission” If you read Garrison’s book then you know the importance of the pueblo or the old adobe mission.

Neptune represents the realization of faith and the Soul’s freedom to choose

Uranus represents the Awakening

The current alignment of the outer planets is just now starting to point at ascension. In addition to that I just saw this:

The picture above is a still shot from the YouTube Short video I made in 2019 or 2020 to advertise my new book. Look in the upper left hand corner.

“Gone With the Wind” just like it says on page 211 in Garrison’s Book.

I sit here every day, when I’m not working, and I wonder why I haven’t accumulated any money. I even wrote an article on here about how it seems like I find myself in poverty every 12 years. How can that be? I’ve written three books, I’ve been running my own website, which is monetized for six years, I work, I have a college degree, and on and on…

How am I poor? Why am I poor? In my relentless pursuit of the almighty dollar, I turned to Garrison’s book once again and that’s when I saw on page 210:

Perhaps, I’ve been fighting against this natural flow of life. Maybe, there’s something I need to accomplish before I can start making money. Right here, in the Weiser Field Guide to Ascension, it says that at this time, knowing who we are is more important than making money.

Maybe, for me personally, my inability to make money is the result of me fighting against the natural flow of life. You cannot walk without crawling first.

There are levels and steps to everything, and how ironic is it that according to the astrological birth chart, the first house is the House of Self, and the second House is the House of Money and Possessions.

With Easter coming up at the end of this month, the alignment of the outer planets, the new discoveries I’ve made in Garrison’s book, and everything else I’ve seen, heard, and experienced, I’m recognizing that the time is now.

So, where do we go from here?

Part of Fortune Placement

In an astrological chart, the Part of Fortune, a little symbol that looks like a circle with a cross in the center, could show a position of worldly success. It’s a place of luck that involves the physical body and one’s health.

The Part of Fortune is not a planet, it’s a mathematical point that requires the degrees of your Sun, Moon, and Rising Sign. Yesterday morning, at 10:47 AM, the Part of Fortune was located near the top of the chart in the 10th House on the 17th degree of Pisces. The Sabian Symbol there reads: Pisces 17 “An Easter Promenade”.

The first thing worth mentioning is that Easter is coming up on the 31st of this month, and Easter, which in Greek is called Pascha, is the feast to celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord.

A resurrection, a fresh start, a rebirth, and a new beginning is what we have to look forward to. The Sabian for Pisces 17 talks about how humans dress up and attend certain functions in society, church being one of them.

The deeper meaning of this symbol goes beyond our need to dress up in our “Sunday Best” for attention because the image we present to the world characterizes our inner and hidden sense of self.

According to the description of Pisces 17 on https://www.jamesburgess.com/an-easter-promenade.html,

we, in a way, idealize ourselves by dressing up, and by doing so, we gain insight into the ideal. That brings us to the most important part of this:

Unless our society allows us to celebrate ourselves as we choose to be, it is not our society. We need our idealised self-image accepted or we cannot realise it.

Variety and extremes of self-exhibition can often lack grace, even to the point of being ridiculous, yet they test our social environment, so they have genuine value. If we find that our Easter persona doesn’t fit – then maybe our workaday personality doesn’t either, and we need to find a better place, or way, to be.


If our idealized self-image isn’t accepted, we cannot realize it (Self-Realization). If your society doesn’t allow you to celebrate yourself as you chose to be, then it’s not your society.

Okay, then, at this point we must consider changing something. Maybe we need to move to a different place that does accept the idealized self-image we have of ourselves.

The importance of this placement falls in line with Easter Sunday and the opportunity for rebirth or a fresh start. Unbelievable Synchronicity!

For a deeper understanding of the POF’s placement in Pisces on the 17th degree, we look to the placement of Neptune, the ruler of Pisces. Neptune is also in Pisces on the 26th degree, but in the 11th House, not the 10th.

The 11th House deals with our future, the friendships we have, and the groups and organizations we may interact with. Through the placement of Neptune, we learn from our higher selves, that this is really about the realization of faith.

Pisces 26, which is where Neptune was yesterday, talks about the freedom of choice. The freedom of choice is what we need if we want to make the necessary changes according to Pisces 17.

If you want the freedom of choice, you have to allow others to have the same-thing, the freedom to chose. At the Soul level, we’re actively creating our lives and our futures, even though a lot of people don’t realize this. If our human soul is creating our future, the it needs to have the freedom to chose what comes next.

Are you pissed off? Feeling stuck?

Feeling like you’re in a rut?

Feeling like you’re stuck in a repeating cycle of events?

Pisces 17 is spiritual, and too much conformity to the extent of robbing the soul of its freedom to chose, will crush the spiritual side of humans.

Free your soul, rebirth is right around the corner.

25 Degrees Sagittarius

February 19, 2024 at 7:40 AM

The Sabian Symbol for the 25th degree of Sagittarius, “A Chubby Boy on a Hobby Horse,” is described as using your imagination to build an ideal life. According to, jamesburgess.com, if we want to be powerful and successful then we need to imagine it and expect it first.

Two years before I graduated high school, I painted a picture of myself in an orange and black football uniform with the number 44. The colors of my high school football team were dark blue and light blue, and at the time, I didn’t have a clue if or where I would be playing when high school was over.

Two years later, when it was all said and done, I was recruited by the William Paterson University Pioneers in New Jersey. Someone had already grabbed the jersey number 44, but their colors were orange and black. I played the next four years at William Paterson.

Interestingly enough, Neptune, in my natal chart was close, off by only two degrees, but this morning at 7:40 AM, the Mc was on the 25th degree of Sagittarius.

The Midheaven, which is also the 10th House cusp, represents the highest part of the chart. The door is open if you would like to manifest a future for yourself through the use of imagination.

Opposite the Mc, is this interesting conjunction between the asteroid Goddess, Astraea, and the Moon. What’s playing into your current stirring of inner emotions and the subconscious has to do with balance, justice, and harmony.

The Moon in Cancer on the 4th degree in the 4th house symbolizes protection. Astraea on the 29th degree of Gemini in the 4th House symbolizes our need to communicate- our need to verbalize our thoughts and get our opinions and view points out there. It’s communication in relation to justice to protect ourselves, what familiar to us, our neighborhoods, and our home.

Astraea’s conjunction with the moon forms a quincunx with Pluto on the 0 degree of Aquarius in the 11th House. This will bring hidden or secretive knowledge to you, and there could be health issues involved.

Whatever you need to get out or communicate, please do so. Don’t hold back, because you’re defending yourself or proving your case.

Now, there’s a tradeoff with this conjunction, and that plays into our favor because with Astraea present, there’s only so much we can do, and there’s only so far we can go.

The tradeoff is the opposition to the Mc. If you’ve done all you could and said all you could say, but you’re still getting no where, then it’s time to flip to the other side of the opposition and trade Astraea’s conjunction with the Moon for the 25th degree of Sagittarius and imagine something better for yourself.

Nooz Now

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

🏈NFL: It’s old news now, but the Kansas City Chiefs won the Super Bowl after beating the San Francisco 49ers in overtime, 25-23. Patrick Mahomes completed 34 of 46 passes for 333 yards and two touchdowns. 

💻Internet: Honestly, outside of this website and the promoting I do for my books, I try to steer clear of internet news because in my opinion, it would almost be the same thing as watching the news on television all day. Well, this morning I woke up at 3 AM, and because I couldn’t go back to sleep, I decided to indulge on my X (Twitter) feed. Everything is violence, sex, lies, propaganda, and just a bunch of stuff that’s not really news worthy. 

Please, do not let the internet agitate you, and don’t let it control your perception of what this life is really about. It just amazes me that we live during a time when anyone can get publicity for free. At one time, people sold themselves out for money, but people are obviously doing it for free today. 

Astrology: The astrology for today looks something like this: The Sun, right now, is on the 24th degree of Aquarius in the 1st House. The Moon is on the 13th degree of Aries in the 2nd House. Aquarius is the sign on the horizon and the ascendant is on the 10th degree. Given the current placements for the Sun and Moon, who we are and what we have are highlighted. The 2nd House is the house of personal possessions, and money is included in that area. The 1st House is all about you, the self. I just pulled a chart last night and I think the 11th House Moon in Aries was sextile to Mars in Capricorn in the 9th House. 

The chart this morning really compliments the placement from last night because Aries is an aggressive go-getter type of sign. With Aries now in the 2nd House and the Moon still in its crescent phase, we’re getting the green light once again to pursue the things we need in life. Last night was long journeys in the 9th House and this morning it’s money and possessions in the 2nd House. Both contribute to the first house, especially money. If you think in terms of you and how the people around you see you, then you quickly understand the importance of money as a means to change that appearance you’re presenting. 

I have some heavy karmic lessons I’m dealing with in this life between the 8th House and the 2nd House, and because of that, I can confidently share this with you. Money is not the most important thing in life, but in the system we live in, it’s absolutely necessary. You can’t do much without money. 

Now that that has been said, and we all get it I’m sure, the biggest lesson here is that money makes it very hard for you to see the real you, it’s only without it that you finally get to see who you truly are. Yes, it’s true that money is included in the 2nd House of possessions, but don’t let your need for money dominate. The relationships we have in life are probably the most important. Don’t argue with your loved ones because you’re without money, be grateful and appreciative that you have people around you who love and care about you. That polarity between the 2nd and the 8th House is probably the hardest to balance because our need for money supersedes everything.

📰In the News: 📌Eastern Pennsylvania is getting bombed with snowfall. 

📌Apparently, Justin Bieber turned down an opportunity to perform at the Super Bowl, I guess they wanted him to sing, “Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy 🎶🎵”. 

📌I don’t know the details, but people in India are worshipping a huge elephant.

📌There might be an issue between former NFL star Shannon Sharpe and comedian, Mike Epps. It’s believed that they’ll discuss their differences when they meet in Indianapolis for NBA All-Star Weekend. No joke!

📌I had no idea that country singer Toby Keith died in 2022 from stomach cancer. That’s noo nooz to me, so I’ll share it with all of you. 

📌I don’t know if you guys saw it, but there’s a picture circulating on the internet of the Grand Canyon and what appears to be the remains of a Sphinx and a pyramid. After looking at the picture myself, it definitely looks like we could’ve at one time, had a Sphinx right here in the United States.

Super Bowl Sunday, It’s Only the Beginning

This evening, at 6:30 PM, Super Bowl LVIII (58) will be played between the 49ers of San Francisco and the Chiefs of Kansas City. 2024, as a year, is still fairly new as we’re only going into the seventh week.

So, as 2024 is beginning, the Super Bowl, which is the NFL’s last game to be played of the 2023 season, represents the end of the professional football season. Endings and new beginnings, that’s the theme.

Interestingly enough, two nights ago, we had a new moon, which represents the beginning of a brand-new Moon cycle, and tonight, the Moon will be illuminated at 5% in the astrological sign of Pisces.

Tonight’s Super Bowl, the last game of the NFL season, will be played while the Moon is in Pisces, the twelfth and final sign of the zodiac. 

Tomorrow evening, Monday night, it will be the third night of the New Moon cycle, and the Moon will be a waxing crescent still in the first phase. Also, the Moon will also be in the first sign of the zodiac, Aries, and so there, a new cycle is beginning. 

If every ending is really a new beginning, then what does the NFL leave us with as we’re beginning a new year, and a New Moon cycle? 

Well, as a man who loved and played the game of football, I held football in a sacred space, reserving it for those who sacrificed for it, those who actually played it, and those who truly understood what the sport of football was all about.

Today, I watch more college football than NFL because the NFL is fucking disgusting. I’m not going to hold back, and I’m not going to hide the truth from you. Those who run the NFL obviously sold out for money, and the game we see today is saturated with propaganda and politics while it offers the biggest stage for every scumbag in the world to advance their private personal agenda if they have the money to do so.

It seems like our government uses “National Security” as their go-to-ace-in-the hole. As long as they say something is a threat to National Security, they can violate and infringe upon every right we have.

But they NFL, last season promoted two national anthems. I can’t think of a bigger threat to National Security than a group of people within our country establishing their very own national anthem. That means they don’t recognize the same America as the rest of the people in this country. 

Wasn’t the Civil War fought to unify North and North? Wasn’t the Civil War fought to unify this country? Yes, it was. 

And, what about this picture I just pulled off Twitter?

This is terrible. So many people have been asking, “what happened between the relationship between men and women?”

American men are upset. Why are our women competing with us? Men and women, when in a relationship, are supposed to be supporting one another, loving one another, and helping each other.

In case you missed it, the mainstream agenda popularizes and makes the emasculating of men cool. The main stream agenda pushes for the empowerment of women, which in and of itself is okay, but it’s not okay when you need to bring the men around you down to do it. 

This is why the divorce rates are high, and this is why men and women are fighting more. It’s Man, Woman, and children, that’s the family. The destruction of the family- that’s the long term goal of this mainstream agenda, and as long as the mainstream continues to popularize the advancement and empowerment of women at the expense of men, the family continues to suffer.

What does the NFL leave us with?

Nothing but toxicity, negativity, and garbage, and don’t be upset, ashamed, or feel left out if you decide not to watch it.