Loop, The Video

Loop is a short story fiction piece written in the first person. I’m playing the character of Bobby Pool, a man who wakes up to the reality that he’s stuck in a repeating sequence of events.

The first part has already been posted, and the final installment will be up today. Check back and read about Bobby’s full story as he explains how he woke up, the ordeal he went through, and how he finally figured out how to unweave himself from the entanglement of this peculiar predicament.

Booby Pool, stuck in a Loop.

Another Maxell Banger..

I was just listening to another Jordan Maxwell video, and I heard something that made a lot of sense. I have a lot to share today, but I’m going to begin with this short post.

When you start speaking the truth and you start waking up you will know it. You’ll know it because you’ll start scarring the people around you. They’ll start calling you crazy, calling you a racist, and all the other stuff they call you because they have to do it to be comfortable around you!

You see, as long as people can put you into a box, you’ll make sense to them. They’ll be able to wrap their brains around you.

But the truth is they don’t understand us and they don’t know how to deal with us. By calling us crazy or racist, they bring us down in their minds to a level they can comprehend, and then they can dismiss you. Oh he’s just crazy. Oh he’s just cranky. Oh he’s a racist.

Put you in a box and stick a label on you like some Christmas ornaments after Christmas.

Fu%k you.

Don’t believe what they say, and some of us are past that point. Others are still dealing with it.

Anyway, at 42, I’m lonely AF and I think that’s why what Maxwell said caught my attention.

Listen from 20:00 to about 24:00.

It’s on YouTube: Jordan Maxwell, and the video is Hidden History. I would’ve posted the link but it’s not allowing me to.

It was his comment about how when you start speaking the truth, you’ll start loosing friends. That’s true. There’s people waking up left and right, and they’re coming out and speaking their truths. Look what happened to Kanye. Everyone distanced themselves from him. They didn’t want anything to do with him. And it’s not just him.

Maxwell comments on what Jesus says in the Bible, “By your fruits I shall know you.”

People from all over the world who are unconnected are waking up. Some are rich, some are poor, some are famous, some are unknown, etc. What we all have in common is that we’re speaking our truths and paying for it.

But that’s the point.

We are beginning to recognize one another by our fruits.

Think about this, if an ancient group of people, knew a very important truth about life, and reincarnation is real, how would two people who were friends 2,000 years ago recognize one another in a future existence?

“By your fruits, I will know You,”


Table Seven Nooz Show Available on YouTube

Several months ago we decided to do a news show to go along with the blog here at https://noozbuffet.com. For your convenience, I would love to publish the Table Seven Nooz Show right here on the blog, but apparently, there isn’t enough space for me to do that.

The show itself is coming along as I’m putting a little more effort and preparation into it. We just published the Table Seven Nooz Show Session 8,” and you can watch that now on YouTube. The Table Seven Nooz Show Session 9 will be up and available for you to watch on my YouTube page in November.

Please, like and subscribe to my YouTube page. The link is below, thank you.

Session 8