Important Message Hidden Within the Current Astrology

Good Afternoon Beloved!

Let’s take a look at the current astrology provided by Thank you for your Chart of the Moment.

There are several planets in close proximity of one another in Taurus. Taurus represents practicality, patience, and dependability, and Venus is actually home in this earth sign.

When it comes to love, Taurus reminds us to take our time. Stability ranks high with the Bull, therefore, consistency over time is the key for natural selection, or separating the wheat from the chaff. Who will be there standing when the dust settles? Only time will tell.

In the 10th House, which is where matters involving personal reputations and careers manifest, Taurus points the way forward. An approach that’s quite, determined, and fixed on the task at hand will win the hearts of many. With the Sun close by, the life force powers us along. We’re blessed with warmth, will power, and all that is necessary to cultivate the life we want for ourselves.

Jupiter is on the 24th degree, and Uranus is on the 22nd degree, which means these two planets are separated by only 2 degrees. The presence of Uranus indicates freedom and independence. Uranus is life and the God of transformation. Jupiter here can be working in a twofold manner. He can either be there providing all that we need and require to achieve this transformational journey, or he can be there to represent the abundance and prosperity that can be ours when all is said and done.

It’s probably a little of both, but because he’s ahead of the pack and the closest to the end of the sign, I have a feeling he’s showing us what’s at the end of the road. It’s Gemini, and as we look to the location of Gemini’s ruler, Mercury, we see that attainment is at hand.

I had a dream last month; I was standing on the outside of a circular fence that was holding a large group of bulls. The bulls went from being quiet and sniffing the ground they walked on to an immediate state of rage, and with that rage they broke through the fence. As they ran to freedom, they smiled at me.

Do you feel stuck? Do you feel imprisoned? Confined? Well, the famous American Founder, Benjamin Franklin, once said:

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

The Bull wants stability, and it wants a place to call home and to be surrounded by all it considers beautiful, but the bull will never go along just to get along.

Jupiter is showing us the light at the end of the tunnel, which is the transformational journey represented by Uranus, and the Sun is representing the power of the human will when all the we love (Venus) is on the line. Love is on the line, and the only way to get it is through transformation. The Sun is giving us the nod, and Jupiter is showing us what can be ours.

Like the Bulls in my dream, it begins with you tearing down the temporary partitions providing safety and comfort, and going after all that is yours. Your love.

The Finger of Fate

Apparently, it’s very rare. It has been known as the Finger of God, or the Finger of Fate, and in astrology circles, we call it a Yod. A Yod looks like an isosceles triangle, and it’s formed by three points, or the placements of three planets.

The Yod is what I noticed second. It was really the sextile between Venus and Mars that I was looking at first, so, let’s start with Venus and Mars.

When two planets are 60 degrees apart, the aspect they form is called a sextile. A sextile between Venus and Mars means that both planets are in perfect harmony. And, this is good because Mars is in Libra in the 11th House. Libra is the sign of balance and harmony, and with Mars there we have this energy that’s calling for an active pursuit or an aggressive approach to bringing balance and harmony into our lives.

This is almost like saying we definitely need this right now, and it’s way over due. Mars is giving us the green light or the go ahead to go after whatever is going to bring stability to our lives. And, because the planet and sign are both in the 11th House, we know the future is on the line. This is about getting active so that you’re in the right places to meet the right people-the type of people who can make your dreams and wishes become a reality.

How beautiful it is as well that Mars is in sextile with Venus, because Venus, the planet of love is giving her blessings. She is saying she understands the aggressive action of Mars, and she knows that it’s out of love that he’s doing what needs to be done.

Photo by Ellie Burgin on

Venus in Leo blends this love energy with the passionate fires of emotion. Venus is calling for the spotlight, and to be the center of attention. She asking that we pursue creative endeavors and building our lives around what truly makes us happy. In the 9th House, there’s definitely travel involved, maybe to a foreign nation. There could also be some type spiritual pursuit or long journey involved. Sometimes, for growth, it’s absolutely necessary for us to step outside of our comforts zones. It’s okay to be noticed. It’s okay for people to see you.

So, this is what’s going on at the base of this triangle, or Yod. Mars and Venus connect to none other than, Neptune in Pisces in the 4th House at the top, and wow! This is major energy here that I feel is calling for a religious retreat, or a spiritual journey almost at the level of a pilgrimage. Wow.

The 4th House is the house governing home, and the 9th House is long journeys and traveling, so, there are two ways of looking at this. I’m seeing either the need to leave the home, to venture out and go after what you need to bring harmony and balance to your home and life, or, this might be the power to have this experience at home.

It could be something involving philosophical pursuits or studying that leads to an almost enlightening experience or connection to one’s higher self. Sometimes we think the 9th House automatically means we have to travel physically, but long journeys could also be spiritual in nature. It could be someone’s journey through graduate school, or maybe a project you’ve been working on for a long time that’s finally starting to unfold or blossom.

As always, the energy is neutral. How you decided to use it determines weather or not it’s perceived as good, but then again, who is anyone to judge us? Follow your heart if it’s possible.

Now, Mars and Venus are in sextile, and because they form this Yod, they’re also both in aspect with Neptune. Venus and Mars are in Quincunx with Neptune. That’s an aspect that’s formed when two planets are 150 degrees apart. There is potential here, and the keyword is expansion.

In Love With the Fame

With Venus in the 10th House right now, love and beauty entered the realm of career and public reputation. I wouldn’t be wrong to assume love could be used to further your personal goals and agenda in this area as well. I’m not suggesting you sleep with the boss to get that promotion you want so bad, but if you put a little extra care and love into your pursuits, it might really pay off.

It’s possible a recent career choice has made you very happy, and the truth here is when you love what you do for a living, everything else seems to follow.

The 10th House is also an area that represents a place you’ve arrived at through your own efforts. Don’t be afraid to show a kinder and more loving side of yourself if you’re not seen in that way already.

Cancer is the sign here, and Cancer is the sign of home and family. At this time, I would look for opportunities coming by way of the family. Sometimes, a parent or a sibling might have a friend or know someone who could be of help to you.

A lot of people don’t recognize this, but the home and family play a huge part in where you end up in life. The 4th House (home and family) represents your foundation, and parents who are well known and successful in their careers tend to have children who follow suit. Family members can open doors for us that friends can’t.

But, let’s not get too wrapped up in the 4th House because we’re talking about the 10th House. If you’re looking to increase your popularity and gain more recognition or even fame, it’s hard to ignore someone who genuinely loves. Right? Doesn’t love conquer all?

Pluto Creates Ideal Future; but Enjoy the Moment!

Good evening. Here on the east coast of the United States it’s 8:32 PM. It’s dark outside, warm with a breeze, and the ground is covered with leaves.

It’s romantic, it’s spiritual, and it’s a sacred time of the year.

The astrological chart of the moment is showing Venus in a conjunction (4 degrees) with the Sun in Scorpio in the 5th House. Venus and the Sun are in trine with Pluto in Capricorn in the 8th House.

This is good on so many levels.

In the 8th House, we see issues concerning death and rebirth, regeneration, legacies and wills, and other peoples money and property.

Photo by Brady Knoll on

In astrology, Pluto is known as the eliminator. He gets rid of anything and everything that no longer serves a purpose. Pluto is all about regeneration, he destroys in order to build back better and stronger. Pluto is also known as the detective. He likes to dig for truth and expose it for the world to see, and again, he does this for regeneration. If the truth will set us free, Pluto is going to find it and free us. He wants to destroy anything that’s holding us back.

The negative side of Pluto manifests in the form of wars, dictatorships, murder, and riots. He’s stirring up the pot. On the positive side, Pluto has the power to help us reach the highest levels and achieve major success.

Pluto’s trine to the Sun and Venus in the 5th House tells us what his purpose is here. The 5th House is about short term pleasure, and it involves art, things we pursue for the love of it, sex, drugs, and having children.

The Sun represents will power and life force, and Venus represents love and beauty. Scorpio, which is the 5th House here, is a very passionate and imaginative sign. Scorpio is emotional and intense. It’s about desire, and it’s governs both male and female genitalia.

What are you looking for? Fun? Pleasure? What you’re most passionate about?

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In the 5th House, the Sun and Venus in Scorpio can lead us to the deepest darkest forms of pleasure and passion at a level most would consider forbidden or freak-like. Think about it. The life force (Sun) is combining with love (Venus) in Scorpio. It’s passionate lusty desires that touch the heart. It’s that sex that’s so dirty but feels so good. 😍

Pluto is going to eliminate anything in the 8th House that’s preventing pleasure in the 5th. In Capricorn, we see the method behind his madness. He’s not jumping right in. No way. He sees the sign, and he knows he’s dealing with complicated issues. Capricorn is going to help him approach his work step by step and little at a time.

Ground yourself. Take your time, be persistent and consistent, and the possibility to clear up an otherwise confusing 8th House will be possible. The result of all this will be a clear path for fun, pleasure, and pursuits of love.

And hopefully, when the dust settles, you’ll rise up with an awakened awareness knowing the truth about your real passions in life.

Death and rebirth aren’t always literally about dying and coming back to life, it could be, but symbolically, they represent endings and new beginnings, and that’s what this is about.

What you can expect based on the planets, signs, and houses that are involved here is definitely and ending to something. Possibly life, but hopefully not. It could be relationships, marriages, jobs, surgeries, and anything that ties you or bounds you to the other.

Weather they’re ultimately good or bad for us, endings are usually hard to deal with. We put time and effort in, and we get attached for whatever reasons. Sometimes, endings leave us in pain emotionally, physically, and mentally, but all that’s temporary and not to sound cold, but it’s apart of life.

When that storm ends and the water recedes, the new beginning will be one of gold. You will finally be free! The door will open for whatever you find pleasure in, and even though that’s only a small part of what’s in store, enjoy yourself.

Photo by Hernan Pauccara on

In the long term (because the 5th House is opposite the 11th) there’s a rare opportunity here for you to live the life you were finally meant to live. It can be a life filled with love and beauty and passionate pursuits that satisfy your heart’s every desire.

For the rest of this weekend and the next two weeks, I want you to approach people and situations in a grounded, persistent, and consistent way. Remember, Pluto must clear the way first by resolving 8th House matters, and there’s no indication that Pluto’s negative side will manifest in your personal life, however, Pluto has tremendous power that can and will swing in the necessary direction.

Look for the truth in all matters, and investigate. You will have to go after what you want, but the luck of the trine is your side. By the 24th of November, the true meaning of Thanksgiving will be waiting for you at the table.

Photo by Nicole Michalou on


Moon Scope

August 3, 2002

Right now, the moon is at the top of the chart, in Libra in the 10th house. Tonight’s moon will be 6 days old, and it will be illuminated at 34% as a waxing crescent. This new moon phase began on the 28th of July.

In Libra, the moon becomes airy, methodical, and intellectual. Libra is the sign of balance, justice, and harmony, and its ruling planet is Venus. When the moon is in its waxing crescent phase, action is the key-word.


Before I get into this reading, I would like to mention a real world situation that seems to fall perfectly in sync with this alignment. Alex Jones, the host of Info Wars, is in court and I think he’s being sued by the families of the victims from the Sandy Hook shooting. I’m going to leave my personal opinions about the trial itself aside because that’s another story for another post. But, I brought it up because of the connections here. He’s being sued, and that involves justice and balance (Libra). He’s a popular podcast host, and his career and public image are both highlighted here in the 10th house.


It’s 5:45 PM here on the east coast, and it’s 2:45 PM out on the west coast, and the timing is important for the house placement. The 10th house is the zone manifesting energy pertaining to our careers and public image. Patience is a quality of the moon that seems to be outside the realm of this current placement, but a little patience is always helpful. Keep it in the back of your mind and remind yourself to be patient if the need arises.

Your current career choice has been on your mind lately, but tonight, the time is right for you to make a move. The right career can bring harmony and balance to your life. If you’re in a career that’s destroying other areas of your life, then a change is necessary.

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There is such a thing as work/life balance, and trust me, the wrong career can throw everything in your personal life out of whack. The moon’s placement favors intellectual work, so start moving on those resumes and get those applications filled out. Start applying to the jobs that represent who you are. You know yourself, you know your skill set, and you know what you’re capable of. Find something that fits you. You’ll be happy with a job when you’re abilities are being utilized.

The next order of business is your image. How does the public see you? How do your co-workers feel about you? Remember something, people are always going to talk about you, and people are always going to say things about you that aren’t true. Some people will talk about you behind your back.

The time is right for you to address those issues, and start righting the wrongs. Libra is a cardinal sign, and by nature, cardinal signs are stubborn. The energy of Libra is direct and action oriented.

In this situation, you’re right, and you know exactly what you’re talking about. You don’t need to get physical or beat anyone up. Your approach should be intellectual and patient. When you have your ducks in row, approach the person who’s talking about you, if it’s necessary, and let them know you know what they’ve been saying and you don’t appreciate it. There’s nothing wrong with speaking up for yourself, and right now, justice, balance, and harmony are called for.

Correct them, and correct the situation. As we get older we change. The people in your life now should support you and support what you are doing. If not, remove them. Harmony, balance, and justice; some people judge us by the company we keep. I’m not saying to get rid of a lifetime friend, I’m saying you need to make sure the people in your life have similar interests and goals.

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With social media, you’re in total control. If you don’t like what people are saying about you, or the direction in which things are gong, then make the necessary changes. People on social media only know what you show and tell, so make sure you’re portraying yourself the way you want to be seen. If you take yourself seriously, and think highly of yourself, then more than likely, others will see you the same way.

It’s okay to have fun, but there’s a time for fun. This isn’t the time.

The other side to this is that you might be rewarded for your hard work and dedication. A boss or a manager might finally see you for the employee you are and the wonderful contributions you’ve been making. Perhaps, a well-deserved reward is coming your way. Even a pat on the back or a simple “Good Job” is recognition, and it could be just enough to bring harmony to a situation aggravated by underappreciation.

Balance and equality; are you being paid what you’re worth? Are you constantly being asked to go beyond what’s required? You’re only one person. Your job comes with a description. Check it out.

The hidden key to this reading is Venus’s placement in the Cancer in 7th house. Partnerships and marriage fall under the rule of the 7th house. Partnerships are important, especially when it comes to work.

It’s possible, highly possible, that you’ll meet someone-probably a co-worker, and he or she will be to one! Don’t underestimate the power of a partnership or marriage. The right person, when love is involved like it is now, can change your entire life.

Photo by Katie Schankula on

People see you differently when you’re married. A loving partnership or a marriage can open doors for you in the professional arena that would otherwise be closed. Find that partnership or that lover that’s seems to be your answer for balance and harmony.

The seventh house is also the house of our known enemies, aka our competition. Compete. Prove yourself, show up on time, show up when you’re scheduled, and put 100% into whatever you’re doing. Watch how fast and for the better, your public image changes.

My friends, I’ll leave you this; don’t be afraid. Ask for what you want, strive to be the best, approach the person you’re interested in, address the problems and the imbalances, speak the truth, and fight for what’s right. If something is yours then claim it. In the cardinal sign of Libra and with the moon in its crescent phase, action is required and it’s necessary.

Second House

Amongst other things, I’ve always considered astrology to be an art, and the astrologer, an artist. It’s a possibility that if you had your chart interpreted by five astrologers, you might end up with five different interpretations.

And this speaks to my reasoning for considering astrology to be an art. Art is an expression of the individual; a creative uniqueness. Every astrologer, at some point, should develop their own unique style or way of interpreting the symbolism in a chart. And that’s what makes him/her an artist.

I wouldn’t consider myself to be an astrologer at this point, but rather more of a student. So, I brought material from several sources together to compare their second house descriptions. Most sources say the second house is the house of possessions, however, one said it was the house of value, esteem, and self-worth.

In a broad sense, possessions can relate to anything we own or acquire. Money is highly stressed here also because in today’s modern society, money is one of the most important possessions we can have. As they say, you can’t wear it or eat it, but it has potential and can convert to other things.

The second house might show activities or projects that can be a source of income. We own our feelings and emotions, so they’re considered to be inner possessions. What does money mean to us? Do we care about having it? Does it matter how much we have? Are we motivated to earn it, and how do we go about that?

I think it’s a good idea to consider the sign Taurus because Taurus rules the second house, and Venus because Venus rules Taurus and is home in the second house.

When I see the “bull” that represents Taurus, it reminds me of Wall Street, and Wall St. relates to the Stock Exchange and money. Venus is the planet of love and beauty. With the involvement of Venus, we can see how emotions and feelings come into play here. There is an emotional attachment to certain personal possessions.

Now, keep in mind, the second house, like the other eleven houses, represents the area in our life certain energies will play out, which is dependent upon planets and their relationships to one another.

Taurus is a fixed earth sign, and the sun makes its way through there between April 20th and May 20th.