God & Country

“It is all a matter of power and dominance concentrated in the hands of a clergy threatened by independent thinking and personal liberty. That’s why the Constitution is so amazingly insistent on personal freedom. The Founding Fathers were Humanist, Deists, and Masons, not radically right-wing in their thinking. Even Thomas Jefferson took a scissors to the New Testament of the Bible and cut it down to what he felt was representative of the true message of Jesus-and Jefferson’s Bible, which can be purchased these days in some bookstores, is a very thin version of the recognized New Testament. Those are the kinds of people who founded America, and we need to recognize and give them the admiration they deserve for independent thinking. We need to reclaim the heroes of the nation’s past for the real people they were and reject the mythos surrounding them.

Ann Moura

If you’re truly into restoring the United States and resurrecting the Constitution, I would copy and keep this quote. For some of us, it will make sense right now, while others won’t understand it until a later time, nevertheless, it’s true, it’s important, and it’s a shocking viewpoint from someone you’d least expect.

I was brought back to this quote last night after a watching a series of movies and video interviews. First, I watched Dr. Steven Greer’s interview on the Shawn Ryan Show, and boy oh boy, did he have some important stuff to share. I was already in possession of an open-mind to what he was talking about, and I do believe it, but to hear him say the Constitutional government of the United States hasn’t been in power since Eisenhower was mind-blowing. He also talked about a dark or shadow government that’s operating within our country but outside it’s laws and Constitution. It’s a group with its own private air force, and technology far superior to our own military’s.

This is dangerous, and for many reasons obviously, but our country will always be stuck in neutral when there’s a group undermining the position of the presidency. So, if like me, you’re wondering how JFK could be assassinated in broad daylight in front of everyone in Dallas, you now have your answer. When it comes to doing what’s right, honor, honesty, and integrity, I can’t imagine this group would have much, but they operate under the belief that they’re doing what’s necessary to preserve this country and protect national security.

But to be honest, I never believed in that whole national security thing, because it was We The People who delegated the power to declare war to our Federal Government, and it’s We The People who won independence for Colonial America. Before the United States had an organized military, it was We The People, and that’s the reason why We The People have the right to arm ourselves. Protecting ourselves, our families, our communities, and our Nation if it’s necessary, is our responsibility.

Last night, for the first time, I watched the Manchurian Candidate with Denzel Washington. That was a powerful-powerful movie. It’s a must watch, and I don’t want to give it all away, but it was the plot of that movie that caused me to Tweet this morning that I think we should revisit who was really responsible for removing our monuments and statues.

In my opinion, there was way more behind that act then the reason given. We’re led to believe that it was the murder of George Floyd, that eventually led to that, but after watching the Manchurian Candidate last night, it’s clear that that act was not only an act of terrorism, but a regime change right under our noses. That needs to be investigated, and the truth about the pandemic needs to come out.

In closing, I would like to say two things; the first, is that the Founding Fathers of the United States have such a bad rap, and that’s due to an agenda driven culture that for years, has done nothing but undermine this nation. The colonization of the North American Continent goes back to the 1500s. It was France and Britain’s desire for control and expansion that led to the takeover of the east coast of North America. They wanted to control ports for the delivery of goods by water, which would guarantee them no problems when shipping east to west via the Atlantic Ocean.

Our Founders hijacked that plan from them, and it wasn’t until 1776 that we claimed our independence, which threw a wrench in their plans for world domination. In a sense, our Founders had a lot of wrongs to right, and if you really read the history, you’ll find they were taking steps to resolve the slave issue in the early 1800s.

We we never taught the proper history.

The second thing is that we’re under this illusion that fascism is a liberal or democratic thing, and that’s because fascism is way left on the governmental control chart.

Remember, extreme left is total government control, and extreme right is anarchy. Just because fascism is close to the extreme left, that doesn’t mean the democrats are responsible. It’s wealthy and influential members of government in cahoots with wealthy private businesses, and those wealthy and influential members of government can be republican or democrat.

Where Did God Go?

A sequel to the post, Popping the Big Question

And it will continue until the final bomb is dropped and someone asks the question..

Where did God go?

If what they say is true, that there’s nothing new, and every idea no matter how new and unique it may seem, has already been done by someone else at some other time, then as we’re living and traveling along this beaten path, reawakening is what awaits.

The question surrounding human beings and our origin has been a vehicle of perplexity driving the minds of people to the brink of madness. So, we slow things down and take it from the beginning. Humans procreate, men and women get together and a child is born. It’s a new individual, new life, and the continuation of our species.

Casting every other explanation aside, religious, spiritual, and extraterrestrial, it would only make sense to assume humans have been giving birth to humans since the beginning. Okay, that’s a start. That’s our start.

But our start, in no way possible can be the beginning because the first man and woman had to come from someone or some place.

Every road paved with good intentions has led to hell, and there’s nothing new under the sun; those two sayings are not just two sayings. They’re important clues, and if you read Poppin the Big Question and all that information about gene manipulation, it doesn’t take much to figure out what the result of tampering with the biological makeup of living organisms it will be.

Current gene manipulation will eventually lead to hell. New scientists will realize through a reawakening that what they’re doing has actually been done before, and their refusal to let it go and move on will once again aid in the deterioration of the world. Technological advancements create the appearance of a world in which everyone is connected. It’s a clean, free, and safe world.

The truth is that there’s nothing safe about talking to strangers online and we’re becoming more isolated. When people finally wake up and realize what’s going on, it will be too late. We’ll have already funded the very same people who don’t give a shit about us. They’ll have created so much distance between their world and the general public that they’ll be unreachable. Scientists will eventually believe they themselves are God, and as we become God, we’ll see less and less of God in our world.

And it will continue until someone pops the big question, Where did God go?

It’s a humbling moment as scientists concede and accept they are not God. Humanity itself keeps moving in a circle that seems to begin slow, and then speeds up until things are out of control. Things are out of control because instead of coming together, we divided ourselves into Gods and people who worship them.

The self-proclaimed God realizes he fucked up when his road leads to hell, but who does he run to? He can’t go to the worshiper because his problems are beyond that guy. He has no alternative but to seek God.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Laughter breaks the silence. In shambles mentally and physically, the Man of Science is unsure about what he hears. Is it all in his head? Can others can hear what he’s hearing?

GOD is speaking: “HOMO SAPIENTIE! Of what? Wisdom. Homo Sapientie, that is you, MAN OF WISDOM. WIS, MIS, SIM , play with it if you like. If you want to be closer to me you can move to Wisconsin or Mississippi. You don’t laugh much do you?

Well, all seriousness aside, it’s only fitting that you believe yourself to be God because I made you in my image. But I did that so you would not be able to see me or recognize me. You can look at yourself or your neighbor-it’s a mirror reality-I’m in you and all around you. The SUN creates. He himself is not GOD, he is my creator, and this thing was spoken into being. I spoke and he listened.

He told you, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. And so you look up to the SUN. I’m in the SUN, hidden by the SUN, and it is through the SUN I work.

Why do you seek me Man?

Oh that’s right, you’re in hell.

Why not go to your neighbor?

Oh that’s right, you can’t. How in the hell can you turn around and ask your neighbor for help when you had him worshipping you?

You can’t or you won’t? Cast aside your pride, ask him for help, and release him from the prison you placed him in.

You cannot know me if you’re still full of pride.

So, you’re in hell and you need me to get you out, but you never believed in me before. You were arrogant as the Man of Science, but I didn’t make Man of Science, I made Man of Wisdom. I tried to warn you. You were aware of the sayings, but you just had to keep going.

How do you know you’re in Hell Man? I guess Hell is personal. What is your Hell like Man? Is every day the same? Nothing changes, things seem to be moving in circles and repeating, everything is cloudy, gloomy, and gray? Are the walls closing in?

Well wipe the dust off your face my friend because are definitely walking is someone’s ashes. Nothing you can do is new, it’s all been done before, and that’s why all roads paved with good intentions lead to hell.

Duh! That’s why every day feels the same and that’s why nothing is changing for you. We’ve been through this before.

I am salvation.

It’s like this; you’re born, you’re brought into this world through birth, therefore you are not and cannot be me. And thank God for that because look at the situation your in now. This is why things are they way they are. Someone has to remain above, outside, and beyond, while at the same time, having the ability to go below, go in, and come up close. I’m every where you are because I’m waiting for you to come to me, and it will be that way until you die because I’m your salvation.

I’m right here! I’m right in front of you screaming and yelling, I CAN SAVE YOU! But there are very few people who actually come to me.

You have from the time you’re born until the time you die to come to me. And the the only way you can come to me is if you really truly want to come to me. I cannot force you. I cannot interfere. You must want to come to me.

HOMO SAPIENTIE, I leave you with this. Very few people find the path to salvation, that’s why the world in which you live is designed the way it is. When something is difficult and border line impossible people give up eventually and concentrate on the things they can do.

But let me tell you this because things have become so twisted and misunderstood. Listen carefully HOMO SAPIENTIE. LISTEN CAREFULLY and understand what I’m telling you in its entirety.

  1. Nothing is impossible.
  2. People give up on their salvation because they say, “I wanna live , I wanna enjoy myself, I wanna have a good time, etc., BUT THERE IS NO SACRIFICE INVOLVED HERE. Those are the words and beliefs from individuals who don’t understand. This isn’t like playing a sport or doing something where you sacrifice to be the very best and most successful. You will never and have never been required to sacrifice for me.
  3. What’s good for you might be bad for your neighbor. Good and Bad don’t exist on a universal level. Good and Bad are why you’re in hell. Good and Bad were defined by the church. Decide what’s Good and Bad for you personally. Good and bad are only a start but you must define good and bad for yourself.
  4. When you discover Right behavior, you’re on the right track. When something is the Right thing to do it can never be bad.
  5. I’m salvation.

There’s catch to all this, there has been from the very beginning, we knew this coming in and we knew it all along. We wanted to take ourselves as nonphysical entities and place ourselves in a physical world so we could enjoy the senses. To feel, to touch, to smell, to hear, to taste, and to see beauty; this is creation, our playground.

There’s creation and there’s salvation. You live and play in my creation, but you will fucking die there if you don’t come back to your salvation. I’m the way out.

Go enjoy yourself, and good luck!

Popping the Big Question

Man-meaning of humanity, was originally called; lulu, meaning “primitive.” He was “lulu amelu,” which meant primitive worker. The terms used by Sumerians and Akkadians for Man, spoke of his status and purpose.

Humans were created as primitive workers.

According to evidence presented by Zecharia Sitchin, in his book, The 12th Planet, in Biblical times, the deity was Lord, Sovereign, King, Ruler, and Master.

And the term commonly translated as worship was avod. Avod meant “work.”

This proves that ancient and biblical man didn’t worship his god, he worked for him.

In order to rest and relax, god created man to do his work, and this coincides with the bible text that talks about god creating for six days and resting on the seventh. They could rest and relax because they created us.

So when did the change occur? At what point was working for god no longer considered worshiping him, and at what point did worshiping god come to mean going to church?

Some people think the gods left us, I think they’re still here amongst us.

There’s a bit of confusion about our beginning or origin, and from what I’m starting to understand, that’s because there was Man, and there was modern Man, the Homo Sapiens.

Man is the product of evolution as the discovery shows. This was an ape-like individual known as Homo erectus. Homo erectus evolved here on earth after millions of years.

When the ancient astronauts got here 450,000 years ago, the earth was going through an interglacial stage. The climate was warm and it brought about a proliferation of food and animals, and it speeded up the appearance and spread a man-like ape (Homo erectus).

In Sitchin’s book, proof is shown that the visiting Nefilim were not only aware of, but lured in and began studying Homo erectus.

Before he was civilized, Home erectus was described as being covered with shaggy hair on his whole body, endowed with hair like a woman, he knew nothing about people or land, and he was one with the grass fields. He fed on grass with gazelles, he jostled with wild beasts, and his hearts delight was in the watering place with the creatures in the water.

The alien hunters were afraid of Homo erectus, and Homo erectus was a nuisance to them because he was friends with and protected the animals he lived amongst. He would pick up the hunter’s traps and refill holes they dug.

The Nefilim quickly realized the Homo erectus was somewhat intelligent, and when the Nefilim were faced with the problem for manpower, they saw a ready-made solution in the domestication of a suitable animal. Homo erectus was the animal but he presented a problem. He was too intelligent and wild to become a docile beast of work, and his physic made him unsuitable for the task.

Without time and in need of a quick solution to mass-produce a work force, it was decided that the image of the gods would be imprinted on the being that already existed. Thus, the evolutionary advancement of Homo erectus was genetic manipulation.

The Nefilim did not create mammals, primates, or hominids. The Adam, of the Bible is the being who is our ancestor-he was the first Homo sapiens.

Man was not created out of nothing. He was a creature that already existed here. He was manipulated by the Nefilim so they could “bind upon it” the “image of the gods.” Man is the product of evolution, but modern Man is Homo sapiens, a product of the “gods.”

I think the confusion should be cleared up now. We are not and were not Homo erectus, we are the genetically manipulated product.

Now, some people will laugh at this explanation and dismiss it, even though there’s enough significant proof that we shouldn’t.

But the funny thing is that we seem to be coming full-circle on our existence and origin. And I think as we continue to walk down this road of genetic manipulation and cloning, someone, if they haven’t already, is going to have a sudden awakening.

They already said there are no new ideas, everything that’s being done and discovered now, already was.

The awakening is going to be the realization that cloning and genetic manipulation was not only done already, but it’s the missing link to our creation and sudden emergence.

All living organisms contain or come with complete hereditary characteristics of their parent cell. In normal conception between father and mother, each of their chromosome sets merge to make 46, and then split to remain at 23 chromosome pairs, which leads to chance combinations.

Where do you think the saying comes from, “God doesn’t roll the dice?” It means God doesn’t take chances.

And with that in mind, technics already exist for cloning human beings. You can take the DNA of any human cell (not necessarily sex organs), and place its 23 sets of complete chromosomes into the female ovum to get the conception and birth of a “predetermined” individual!

Cloning produces the offspring that’s an exact replica of the source of the unsplit set of chromosomes. That means we right now, contain the knowledge to make exact copies of human beings. Sitchin goes on to sate that if their cell nuclei was preserved, we could’ve produced a limitless number of Hitlers, Mozarts, or Einsteins.

Keep that in mind as you’re swabbing the inside of your nostrils for that COVID test that the pharmacy sends off to some lab, or that sudden drug test your place of employment springs on you and asks you to place the cotton swab-stick under your tongue for three minutes.

We haven’t mastered every technique but we’re getting ever so close, and as we do, we’re going to come to realization that what we’re actually doing is pursuing the understanding of our own creation. That’s why they say every road to hell was paved with good intentions.

The closer we get to our beginning, the more resentment we’re going to have for our creators. There’s going to be that time of anger followed by crying and then laughter. That’s the awakening. Like an abandoned child who meets his parents for the first time, we will approach with anger and hatred asking them why they brought us into this world and just left us.

The closer we get to our beginning, the more we are going to hate each other. The knowledge of our origin is going to divide people, and it will create, once again, Gods and those who are worshipping or working.

As we become God, we’ll come to hate God and seek the removal of anything Godly.

And that’s how it will remain. We’re seeing the beginning of it now as technology continues to progress and our culture becomes increasingly digital.

And it will continue as things gradually deteriorate. Women will fight with men, when they realize they don’t need sperm to conceive. We’ll hate each other and say I don’t need you to one another as those with all the knowledge continue distancing themselves from the mainstream and go further and further down the rabbit hole.

Less and less of the world will be habitable, but it won’t matter because the ruling elite will only be concerned about themselves and their own preservation. We’ll have to struggle and conserve and live in meager conditions while they thrive.

And the answer to head this terrible situation off has been right here all along. All we had to do was unite, become one species united through culture with purpose. Some were too blind to see it, some were too greedy to be apart of it, some knew it and just didn’t care, and some were too afraid of the unknown to make real progress.

And it will continue until the final bomb is dropped and someone asks the question…

Cardinal-We’re Officially In a Wormhole Now

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

In the Roman Catholic Church there’s a hierarchy, and the most senior members of the clergy are the Cardinals-second only to the Pope himself. It is the responsibility of the Cardinals to elect a new Pope when the Holy See is vacant-be it by death or resignation of the Pope.

Here we are, once again analyzing the meaning of the Cardinal in a different context. And as you can see, the word stays true to its Latin root-something of importance. In the world of the Catholic Church, I’d say the Cardinal is a pretty important figure. Like the bird, they also wear the colors red and black.

Four days ago we slid into this wormhole, but I didn’t anticipate a wormhole then. There’s a window behind my toilet, and I got out of bed Monday morning to use the bathroom. That’s when I was looking out of the window and saw the bird. I thought it would be a good idea to write about the bird, and all of a sudden this topic shot out in a hundred directions, and took on a life of its own. It’s now four days later, and I’m still writing about Cardinals.

Photo by Harvey Reed on Pexels.com

If you read my post “Cardinal Quality,” you probably noticed the image of the cross. When I added that picture to the article, I knew the image obviously carried religious significance, but I was really posting it because the cardinal directions. If you look at a map or a compass, there’s usually a cross in the center of north, south, east, and west to assist in the locations of such directions. Isn’t funny though how that image of the cross would fit well in this post as well?

I also said, “This is all high level thinking,” and what I was referring to was someone had to take the time and apply “Cardinal” in all these different yet similar uses. There is a common thread here. It obviously started with the bird, but what made someone use the term cardinal as a quality for astrological signs representing the solstices and the equinoxes?

Personally speaking, February has been an important month for me. My birthday just passed, and a day later, the book I wrote became available for purchase. From a spiritually symbolic standpoint, the bird showed up at an important time so I buy into the meaning behind its symbolism.


Where are we going with all this? Is there a way out of this wormhole? Can we come up with a conclusion from making these connections?

🤣I don’t know where we’re going because like I said, I didn’t anticipate a wormhole. I wanted to just write about the bird I saw. I think there’s a way out of this wormhole, but shits about to get real wormy. I think the way out is going in the opposite direction-lets think about what “cardinal” is not. Cardinal is not ordinal. In math, cardinal numbers are natural. 1, 2, 3, etc. (Natural also meaning from nature/god)

SET is the Egyptian God of Chaos, but don’t worry. There won’t be any chaos because in SET theory, we have order-as in ordinal numbers. Ordinal numbers, unlike cardinal number, are not natural. They are used to describe a way to arrange objects or describe place. For example, first or 1st, second or 2nd, third or 3rd etc. As the saying goes without order there’s chaos. (God will get angry if we’re not in order?)🤪 There’s a conflict here-I just noticed (and this is why I didn’t want to go here)

Okay, so if ordinal numbers are not cardinal then they’re also not natural. God might get upset if we’re not being good or “in order,” but it’s human nature to do what comes natural and being ordinal isn’t natural. Are we being controlled with the threat of God?

So, our way out of this wormhole is to revert back to religion and put everything in Gods hands.

You’re first, I’m second, and she’s third. SETS happy, there’s no chaos, and we live on.

Have a wonderful night! 🤣🤣