Rubbing Shoulders With the God of Emotions

As the Moon was transiting through the zodiac this morning, I caught Artemis in conjunction with Pluto, the God of Emotion, at precisely 6:33 AM. Pluto was on the 28th degree of Capricorn and the Moon was on the zero degree of Aquarius, both in the 3rd house.

Right now, the Moon is a waxing crescent lit up at 29%. As receptive and as reactive as the Moon’s energies might be, you still should be feeling the push to do something.

The 3rd House is known as the house of communications, and it covers all modes from the written word to text messaging. The 3rd House also contains anything involving your neighborhood, short distance travel, high school, and because writing is there, creativity is as well. Brothers, sisters, cousins and the relationships we have with these people can also be found in the 3rd House.

From the planetary alignment and the signs involved, there’s going to be a lot of emotions involved, especially when it comes to conversations concerning the future. Now is the time to talk about, write about, and speak about your future. This involves your dreams, wishes and hopes, and the people or friends that you would like to surround yourself with.

Yes, it’s somewhat serious because Pluto is involved, but Pluto is going to provide that push you need to speak about all the stuff you’ve been holding back.

We all like to take the high road, and we all like to be in control of ourselves, but what you’re going to realize is that some people are just hell bent on bringing out the worst in you, but not only that, if you’re the type of person who likes go about your business and concentrate on your grind, some people will perceive that as snobbish behavior. It’s not that you’re avoiding them on purpose, you’re just so focused on what you have going on, you’re not thinking about anyone or anything else.

No need to act in haste, take your time, but move swiftly. And, if you find yourself in a situation where you have to speak, don’t rattle on, stick to the point. When it comes to matters involving your future, the people close to you want to know what’s going on, but the most important thing right now is for you to have a clear vision of what you want your future to be like.

Lucky Numbers: 1 and 7

Moon Scope, Triple Conjunction

October 14, 2023 Edition

Good evening beloved, and welcome to this edition of Moon Scope. This article was only going to be about the triple conjunction I saw in Libra about 30 minutes ago, but then I realized this was the night of the new, so, I decided to interpret everything together.

The interesting thing is that when I looked at the current alignment at 5:10 PM east coast time, I saw the Moon and the Sun almost occupied the same degree and Mercury wasn’t far behind, and they all happened to be in Libra and Libra was home is the seventh house. And, if that wasn’t enough, tonight is the new moon as well.

Sometimes we feel anxious, or we feel this unexplainable sense of urgency and we have no answer for it, but after some time passes, we realize that our intuition and inner power is pushing us towards something we need or should be doing.

At this point, from reading the Moon Scopes here on N.B., you guys are aware that the moon represents the subconscious mind-the part of our brains that store information for later dates. The subconscious is stimulated by symbols and shapes (among other things), and when we notice these things in our environment, all this knowledge and all these ideas we never knew we had or were concerned with, start pushing forward into the everyday part of the brain, which is ruled by Mercury.

Mercury represents the awakened mind, the part of our brains we use everyday for thinking and making decisions. Mercury is also the planet, or spirit of communication and commerce. Mercury is quick, and he is the God of borders and boundaries, divination, and luck.

The Sun, we know represents us and our inner will power. It represents the spot, the source, and the location of our ultimate happiness and success in the chart.

So, what does this conjunction mean?

Well, we have a new moon cycle beginning tonight in Libra, so we seem to keep having this repeating theme for an opportunity to begin anew once we have the balance to do so. The Sun will willfully push all those subconscious ideas and information you’ve been unaware of and storing to the surface now, and Mercury will take over from there.

The energy from this conjunction will manifest in the 7th House, so whatever is causing that urgency or anxiousness will have to do will contracts, partnerships-including marriages, and open enemies (competition).

It could be that you’re getting older and your friends and family members are wondering if you’re ever going to get married or have children. Maybe, you’ve been wanting to and now, you’re starting to feel that push from within to start making it happen. It could be a move to a new location, or a contract is waiting for your signature.

When it comes to open enemies in the seventh house, these aren’t people that are necessarily looking to kick your ass. They could be people you’re competing with for a job, or it could be another company that does what your company does.

When it comes to people standing in your way of success, which is what I’m dealing with now, you have to be patient and smart, and we’re lucky because all three planets and this new moon are in an air sign. Air signs embody the cunning, creative, and intelligent ways of dealing with these people and solving our problems. It’s hard when you got people above you that don’t want to let you in or give you a chance.

Sometimes, a move is required. This means a change of job, or moving to a new physical place. If the people in your current surroundings aren’t supporting what you’re trying to do, it might be worth considering a move to new place.

And, this is urgent. Don’t be afraid to operate outside the boundaries of what everyone considers normal or logical. In order to let the magic of life unfold, you have think outside the box and be a mold breaker.

7th House Illuminated by Powerful Conjunction

Hello everyone!

I hope you’re all having a wonderful day. The Sun is now on the 13th degree of Virgo, which means it’s almost halfway through its transit of the Virgin. Wow, that was fast. So, Mercury, the planet of communication and travel, is also in Virgo at the moment on the 14th degree.

This alignment between the Sun and Mercury is called a conjunction, and the degrees of separation vary with astrologers, but personally, I feel like the energy of two planets combined can hold power up until about 8 degrees. With 1 degree separating Mercury and the Sun, I’d say this connection is pretty potent.

Photo by Feyza Dau015ftan on

Now, because Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods, is the ruling planet of Virgo, he’s home. Whenever a planet is in the sign it rules, its comfortable. I guess you could compare it to your favorite sports team playing at home versus on the road.

Both planets are in Virgo in the 7th House, and the 7th House is the area of the chart where the energies can manifest into the areas of our lives involving partnerships, marriages, contracts, and open enemies. Open enemies means those we’re familiar with, and these people are usually competitors.

Virgo is very technical and precise, so, as we begin to analyze the Sun/Mercury conjunction in this sign in the 7th House, we must focus our attention on the day to day mind. A lot of people don’t know this, but Mercury represents our everyday mind, not the subconscious mind.

There’s a huge boost coming our way involving precise communication. If you’re about to sign a contract of any type, make sure you read over all the details before signing. This could also be a lease for a rental, or any type of written agreement involving the transfer or the borrowing of goods or possessions.

For those couples who are engaged to be married, now is the perfect time to open up a conversation and discuss the details of your special day.


If you’re dating, and things are getting serious between the two of you, now is the time to speak to your partner about what you want and what you expect moving forward.

Virgo is also very analytical, industrious, and detail oriented. There could be lot’s of conversations involving details on how to be better or how to make things better or improve. If you’re on the brink of success or close to achieving personal goals, now is the time to fine tune things.

It’s definitely time to get rid of everything no longer serving a purpose and whatever is holding you back. Take this time to study the board in front of you, and gather the information you need.

Preparation and planning is the key, and when that moment arrives where you need to speak, write, compete, or make that presentation, you’ll not only be ready, but you’ll have the edge over your competition.

A conjunction between Mercury and the Sun in Virgo gives us exactly what we need to regain our edge.

Pluto Creates Ideal Future; but Enjoy the Moment!

Good evening. Here on the east coast of the United States it’s 8:32 PM. It’s dark outside, warm with a breeze, and the ground is covered with leaves.

It’s romantic, it’s spiritual, and it’s a sacred time of the year.

The astrological chart of the moment is showing Venus in a conjunction (4 degrees) with the Sun in Scorpio in the 5th House. Venus and the Sun are in trine with Pluto in Capricorn in the 8th House.

This is good on so many levels.

In the 8th House, we see issues concerning death and rebirth, regeneration, legacies and wills, and other peoples money and property.

Photo by Brady Knoll on

In astrology, Pluto is known as the eliminator. He gets rid of anything and everything that no longer serves a purpose. Pluto is all about regeneration, he destroys in order to build back better and stronger. Pluto is also known as the detective. He likes to dig for truth and expose it for the world to see, and again, he does this for regeneration. If the truth will set us free, Pluto is going to find it and free us. He wants to destroy anything that’s holding us back.

The negative side of Pluto manifests in the form of wars, dictatorships, murder, and riots. He’s stirring up the pot. On the positive side, Pluto has the power to help us reach the highest levels and achieve major success.

Pluto’s trine to the Sun and Venus in the 5th House tells us what his purpose is here. The 5th House is about short term pleasure, and it involves art, things we pursue for the love of it, sex, drugs, and having children.

The Sun represents will power and life force, and Venus represents love and beauty. Scorpio, which is the 5th House here, is a very passionate and imaginative sign. Scorpio is emotional and intense. It’s about desire, and it’s governs both male and female genitalia.

What are you looking for? Fun? Pleasure? What you’re most passionate about?

Photo by PhotoMIX Company on

In the 5th House, the Sun and Venus in Scorpio can lead us to the deepest darkest forms of pleasure and passion at a level most would consider forbidden or freak-like. Think about it. The life force (Sun) is combining with love (Venus) in Scorpio. It’s passionate lusty desires that touch the heart. It’s that sex that’s so dirty but feels so good. 😍

Pluto is going to eliminate anything in the 8th House that’s preventing pleasure in the 5th. In Capricorn, we see the method behind his madness. He’s not jumping right in. No way. He sees the sign, and he knows he’s dealing with complicated issues. Capricorn is going to help him approach his work step by step and little at a time.

Ground yourself. Take your time, be persistent and consistent, and the possibility to clear up an otherwise confusing 8th House will be possible. The result of all this will be a clear path for fun, pleasure, and pursuits of love.

And hopefully, when the dust settles, you’ll rise up with an awakened awareness knowing the truth about your real passions in life.

Death and rebirth aren’t always literally about dying and coming back to life, it could be, but symbolically, they represent endings and new beginnings, and that’s what this is about.

What you can expect based on the planets, signs, and houses that are involved here is definitely and ending to something. Possibly life, but hopefully not. It could be relationships, marriages, jobs, surgeries, and anything that ties you or bounds you to the other.

Weather they’re ultimately good or bad for us, endings are usually hard to deal with. We put time and effort in, and we get attached for whatever reasons. Sometimes, endings leave us in pain emotionally, physically, and mentally, but all that’s temporary and not to sound cold, but it’s apart of life.

When that storm ends and the water recedes, the new beginning will be one of gold. You will finally be free! The door will open for whatever you find pleasure in, and even though that’s only a small part of what’s in store, enjoy yourself.

Photo by Hernan Pauccara on

In the long term (because the 5th House is opposite the 11th) there’s a rare opportunity here for you to live the life you were finally meant to live. It can be a life filled with love and beauty and passionate pursuits that satisfy your heart’s every desire.

For the rest of this weekend and the next two weeks, I want you to approach people and situations in a grounded, persistent, and consistent way. Remember, Pluto must clear the way first by resolving 8th House matters, and there’s no indication that Pluto’s negative side will manifest in your personal life, however, Pluto has tremendous power that can and will swing in the necessary direction.

Look for the truth in all matters, and investigate. You will have to go after what you want, but the luck of the trine is your side. By the 24th of November, the true meaning of Thanksgiving will be waiting for you at the table.

Photo by Nicole Michalou on


Pluto/Moon 1st House Conjunction; Will the Real You Please Stand Up..

Hello Everyone! How are you doing on this warm summer evening?

I just posted a Moon Scope; it was for the Moon in Capricorn, in the 4th house.

Five minutes ago, I checked my Moon tracker, and I saw the Moon moved into a conjunction with Pluto. For those who don’t know, a conjunction is when two or more planets are close to one another. They could share the same degree or be within a few degrees, but the closer they are the stronger the energy.

As of 8:00 PM east coast time, the Moon is on the 24th degree of Capricorn and Pluto is on the 27th degree. The conjunction is in the first house.

The energy of this conjunction is highly mystical. Pluto deals with life and death, transformation, transmutation, and rebirth. For the most part, it’s effects are felt more by the masses generationally, but when it’s in conjunction with the Moon, it could have a more individual and immediate impact.

In the earth sign of Capricorn, the energy between these two planets is grounded, and if there was ever a good time to spend some time alone to figure things out, now is the time while these planets are transiting the first house of self.

Tonight, the moon is full. It’s not a time to start anything new, it’s really a time of revelation and reflection. Pluto is an investigator. He’s the digger of the zodiac, and he prides himself on bringing everything buried to the surface. Why? Because he supports regeneration and the transformation.

And because the Moon is involved this is going to be a slow methodical process. There will be a 7-day period available to you starting tonight while the Moon is full, and it will close out on the night of the last quarter; but this will be a time to get to the bottom of an issue pertaining to you personally. Everything you need is at your disposal, all you need to do is bring awareness to this issue.

You have an opportunity to start from scratch and be bigger and better than before. It’s an opportunity to bring the real you the forefront. Pluto and the Moon are echoing Eminem; Will the real you please stand up, please stand up.”