Reaching Ronda Part 2

It was on May 3rd of this year that I wrote Reaching Ronda Part 1. It’s now June 27th, and that means it has taken me almost two months to come up with an answer to our question.

From Part 1

We do not have a pantheon of powerful female creator images. We have nothing on which to pattern a positive image of the empowered feminine. So, men are striving to be male and women are striving to be empowered through a male vibration because there is no clear vision of the empowered female. WE MUST CREATE IT!

Did I lose you?

Ronda Rousey is a great example of a woman striving to be empowered through a male vibration, but both men and women are lost without a clear vision of the empowered female because both men and women must balance the masculine and feminine aspects within themselves.

Think about it? What would that look like?

I thought about this and thought and thought. What would an empowered female look like?

Part 2

After almost two months, it hit me. The Romans put everything into their Vestal Virgins! Everything! The Roman military and government placed the future, the success, and the preservation of the Roman Empire on the shoulders of their Vestal Virgins.

They were the power behind the throne, and those women were sworn in and held to I think at least thirty years of absolutely no sex. If they violated and engaged in sexual activity, it was punishable by death and some were buried alive.

Fear was instilled in them, and from that, the idea of purity was associated with being a virgin. Let me tell you this, purity is about being pure of heart. It has nothing to do with engaging in sexual activity, but that’s a story for another day.

From my research, the idea of a sacred feminine, thrived before the astrological age of Aries (2220 BC to 60 BC). Once the Arian Age arrived we turned into a male dominated warring culture. This continued through the Age of Pisces and the time of Jesus, and look where we are today.

Before the Age of Aries, everyone had access to source, and the balancing of the masculine/feminine was the norm for both men and women.

Today, both men and women have suffered thousands of years because of the suppression of the sacred feminine, which has to do with the heart and developing intuition through the hearts connection with the mind.

Acting out and engaging in behavior that isn’t socially acceptable doesn’t mean it’s wrong for you personally. At some point, logic has to be thrown out of the window and we must act according to the wisdom and fire of the heart.

I can go on and on about this, but let’s get back to our original question.

We don’t have a pantheon of powerful female creator images.

We have nothing on which to pattern a positive image of the empowered feminine. Because…..

Foundationally, that image was socially unacceptable!

What’s the one thing women can do that no one else can? They can have children! The image of the empowered would be that of a pregnant woman; empowered by the truth and the fact that without the womb of the female, the human race ceases to exist!

It’s sounds silly, but yes, it’s my belief that the powerful female creator image is that of a woman with child. The Roman Empire wouldn’t promote that, and who do we emulate today? The Roman Empire.

Take your power back.

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