Reaching Ronda, Part 1

If you Google Ronda Rousey, it will tell you she’s an American Professional Wrestler and Actress, but she was also the first female fighter to sign with the UFC. Rousey fought in the UFC from 2012 to 2016, and she became UFC’s first female Bantamweight Champion.

The timing of her entry into the UFC was absolutely favored by the heavens; in December of 2011, Regulus, the Kingly Star of the Constellation Leo, which is also the heart of the lion, crossed over the Leo Virgo border into Virgo on the zero degree.

Ronda is an Aquarius born on the 1st of February in 1987. Her natal Sun is on the 12th degree of Aquarius, and her career as a fighter was a physical manifestation of a difficult spiritual lesson.

When you think of a fighter in general in connection with their sport you know the obvious. Not everyone will be a title holder or a belt holder. They train to be the best in the world, and while some achieve what they set out to do, others are less fortunate. This has nothing to do with fighting itself, or her record as a fighter. It’s more about the bigger picture that show us that not all fighters are on the same level.

Without the physical manifestation of finding an outlet for aggression, which was definitely something Rousey needed to do in this life, it would be impossible to understand the spiritual meaning behind the placement of her Sun.

We are all representations of our creator, and all of us come here with a message to share. Some of us come straight out and do it, while others are a living testimony.

On the 12th degree of Aquarius, the Sabian Symbol of Ronda’s Sun represents improvement. It shows people on stairs graduating upwards, which shows that spiritually, we’re all on different levels. Physical competition can prove where we stand physically, but how can we prove the exact same message spiritually?

We’re not all equal, and as James Burgess puts it, “However spiritually inspiring it may be to think that we are all of the same worth and level of attainment, the truth is that it is not so.”

This is important because it’s the first step towards self-improvement. Once you identify your placement in the grand scheme and then realize that you can be better and climb higher, the choice to do so becomes your make.

I don’t know Ronda personally, but considering the conjunction in her chart between Venus and Uranus in the sign of Sagittarius, I’m willing to bet that she has a deep and personal love for freedom and independence. She’s a seeker of new challenges and loves the chase, but she’s selfless enough to dedicate herself to a cause.

I’ve been thinking about something I heard while listening to Bringers of the Dawn by Barbara Merciniak,

Listen to 1:58:00 to 2:03:00

We do not have a pantheon of powerful female creator images. We have nothing on which to pattern a positive image of the empowered feminine. So, men are striving to be male and women are striving to be empowered through a male vibration because their is no clear vision of the empowered female. WE MUST CREATE IT!

Did I lose you?

Ronda Rousey is a great example of a woman striving to be empowered through a male vibration, but both men and women are lost without a clear vision of the empowered female because both men and women must balance the masculine and feminine within themselves.

Think about it? What would that look like?

I thought about this and thought and thought. What would an empowered female look like?

Important Message Hidden Within the Current Astrology

Good Afternoon Beloved!

Let’s take a look at the current astrology provided by Thank you for your Chart of the Moment.

There are several planets in close proximity of one another in Taurus. Taurus represents practicality, patience, and dependability, and Venus is actually home in this earth sign.

When it comes to love, Taurus reminds us to take our time. Stability ranks high with the Bull, therefore, consistency over time is the key for natural selection, or separating the wheat from the chaff. Who will be there standing when the dust settles? Only time will tell.

In the 10th House, which is where matters involving personal reputations and careers manifest, Taurus points the way forward. An approach that’s quite, determined, and fixed on the task at hand will win the hearts of many. With the Sun close by, the life force powers us along. We’re blessed with warmth, will power, and all that is necessary to cultivate the life we want for ourselves.

Jupiter is on the 24th degree, and Uranus is on the 22nd degree, which means these two planets are separated by only 2 degrees. The presence of Uranus indicates freedom and independence. Uranus is life and the God of transformation. Jupiter here can be working in a twofold manner. He can either be there providing all that we need and require to achieve this transformational journey, or he can be there to represent the abundance and prosperity that can be ours when all is said and done.

It’s probably a little of both, but because he’s ahead of the pack and the closest to the end of the sign, I have a feeling he’s showing us what’s at the end of the road. It’s Gemini, and as we look to the location of Gemini’s ruler, Mercury, we see that attainment is at hand.

I had a dream last month; I was standing on the outside of a circular fence that was holding a large group of bulls. The bulls went from being quiet and sniffing the ground they walked on to an immediate state of rage, and with that rage they broke through the fence. As they ran to freedom, they smiled at me.

Do you feel stuck? Do you feel imprisoned? Confined? Well, the famous American Founder, Benjamin Franklin, once said:

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

The Bull wants stability, and it wants a place to call home and to be surrounded by all it considers beautiful, but the bull will never go along just to get along.

Jupiter is showing us the light at the end of the tunnel, which is the transformational journey represented by Uranus, and the Sun is representing the power of the human will when all the we love (Venus) is on the line. Love is on the line, and the only way to get it is through transformation. The Sun is giving us the nod, and Jupiter is showing us what can be ours.

Like the Bulls in my dream, it begins with you tearing down the temporary partitions providing safety and comfort, and going after all that is yours. Your love.


Good Evening Beloved!

Self-awareness is one of those terms that seems easy to define, and in a sense, I suppose it is. But, what does it mean to be self-aware?

Self-awareness can easily be defined as awareness of self, and if you look it up on the internet you’ll probably get something like this:

Self-awareness is the ability to focus on yourself and how your actions, thoughts, or emotions do or don’t align with your internal standards.

The first thing you should know about self-awareness is that it’s the beginning-it’s the start of a path that’s going to take you home. You’re going to laugh when you read this, but the five senses are deceiving; touch, smell, taste, hearing, and seeing are the senses we’re born with, and they help us navigate through this world and our lives.

Through our senses we acquire what looks good, women, clothing, jewelry, homes, cars, etc. We surround ourselves with good smells and perfumes, we go to the food store and shop for food that’s pleasing to our taste buds, and we buy the music we like to listen to.

Hey, there’s no accounting for taste, to each his own, and everyone spends their money differently. What we acquire through our senses shows the world a little something about us, but what do we truly know about ourselves?

There are levels to self-awareness, we could all achieve a very high level of self-awareness, but not all of us do because at some point, most people cut the “self” off when it comes to earning a paycheck.

What do I mean? Did you ever hear someone say, “Don’t pay attention to how you feel. You’ll feel better once you get out there and get going.”

That’s good advice, and I’ve taken it myself many times, but if you’re truly not happy with what you’re doing, those feelings are going to manifest. The universe has a funny way of putting us on the path we belong on.

In terms of self-awareness, intuition and feelings-the two things no one else sees and the two things that are manifested from within us, are the keys to a high level of self-awareness. This comes down to you, and how far you want to take this path. You can take it all the way home until you reach enlightenment and secure a connection to your higher-self, or you can turn back and continue to go along to get along.

So, self-awareness doesn’t have too much to with your senses, it has to do with how conscious you are of your intuition and inner emotional response to what you’re going through on a daily basis.

Your intuition and inner emotions are guiding you, and the universe will drop subtle hints and reveal clues that will only make sense to you. So, you can’t ask no one else for help on this path. This is for the individual who’s attempting to find his or her way back to universal or god consciousness. You have the answers.

In addition to the definition provided above, something should be said about the environment. The first three houses in the astrological chart are all about the self and self-awareness, but as we progress to houses four, five, and six, we deal with the integration of self and the environment. Houses seven, eight, and nine are when we meet the other, and we get ourselves mirrored back to us. We learn about ourselves through our relationships with other people and groups.

Self-awareness is more than our ability to focus on our thoughts, actions, and emotions. To be self-aware means that your not only aware of intuition and inner emotions, but that you’ve also committed to listening and allowing them to guide your way forward.

I made a comment earlier about money and the job or work. We’ve been seeing a whole generation of people who are now retiring from work and feel completely lost.

That’s because they’ve ignored themselves and went to work for forty years to keep the money rolling in. That’s a tremendous sacrifice the head of a household usually makes, and they should be respected for that.

These individuals, for their entire lives, were defined by their job. The image of self they step into retirement with is one created entirely by their jobs, the money they made, and the promotions they earned. Without the job they feel like they lost a part of themselves.

It’s like the athlete whose career comes to an end and is no longer performing in front of 80,000 people. They’re lost without the stage, but the stage was never who they truly were.

In order for you to incorporate self-awareness into your job, it has to be a role that gives you the freedom to make decisions based on your intuition and how you feel, and let’s face it, there aren’t many roles like that out there. In business, money is the bottom line. If you’re intuition is telling you not to take one million dollars, you gone!

lol, but truthfully; there aren’t many roles like that out there because it’s not about playing a role or role playing.

It’s about the real authentic self.

Withdrawal Pain and the Root Chakra

Good Afternoon Beloved!

This information is coming from experience. For all the people who’ve had an addiction to any kind of pain medication; did you ever notice that when you’re either out of medication or you attempt to stop taking your medication, you get a lot of pain at the base of your spine?

There are seven energy vortex centers that begin at the base of your spin and stop at the top of your head. The vortex at the base of your spine is called the root chakra, or the Muladhara. It’s the foundation for all the other chakras, and it’s said to be the location of the kundalini energy, the coiled serpent that climbs the spine.

When the root chakra is blocked, you could feel a lack of stability and security, unsafe, ungrounded, fearful, and not very confident. You might also feel depressed and not very energetic.

Now, we all know the withdrawal symptoms that are caused by not having your medication, but that pain you feel at the base of your spine has a lot to do with the blockage of your root chakra-and the body’s process of natural healing to uncover and re-energize the vortex.

The interesting thing about this is that when you make a full recovery and return to proper body functioning, you’ll feel balanced again. You’ll feel safe and no longer fearful to live your life. The root chakra is the very first chakra, so if it’s out of balance or blocked, it disrupts the other six.

Also, because you’ve been taking medication consistently and for a long time, you’re circulatory system is off, and your digestive system is off. This results in abnormal blood flow and irregular bowel movements. It’s a slow kill from the inside out.

I know man.

Neptune, Mars Conjunction

Spiritual matters receive an extra nudge today as Mars links up with Neptune on the 27th degree of Pisces. This conjunction between the God of War and the God of Spirituality occurs approximately once every two years and lasts for about a month.

Mars is the embodiment of action, aggression, and anger. In extreme cases, we can see holy wars, battles over faith and beliefs, and significant steps taken towards gaining clarity. Neptune has a tendency to pull us towards escapism, dreaminess, and drug use, but Neptune requires that we’re of sober mind to discern the difference between guidance coming from the higher self and the temptations driven by irrational thinking due to addictions or our fear to face life head-on.

You might feel the urge to leave it all behind and experience all that life has to offer, and you know what? You’ll never know what you’re missing until you’ve seen it all.

You might feel the urge to switch religions, join a new church, or study some type of religious texts or scripture.

Organized religious institutions are good because they provide people within a community an opportunity to meet, socialize, and form bonds, but there’s another side to that. Organized religions divide humanity.

This is why we see these violent wars between religions. It’s religious extremism and neither side is willing to bend. It can be dangerous. Concentrate on your faith now, because faith is what’s important.

Do you have faith? If you do, then you should get a lot out of this conjunction, and I’d expect that faith of yours to be tested, but even if you don’t, the Universe has a funny way of showing us that even the worst situations happen for a very good reason.

Mars conjunct Neptune is an arousal of spirit to take action.

3,6,9; Chakras and Frequency

Good Evening Beloved.

The Moon is 99% illuminated. Last night was officially the night of the full moon, but they’re calling it full again, which is good because that gives us another night to meditate on a full Moon in Scorpio.

Here’s something to think about:

This hand gesture represents two things. It represents the number 3, because the pinky finger, the ring finger, and the middle figure represent the number 3.

It also represents the number 6. If you trace the middle figure around the thumb to where it meets the pointer finger, you’ll see it makes a backwards 6. You can also do that with the ring finger and the pinky finger, and that gives you 666. So, this hand gesture represents 3 and 666.

When you put your hands together, you now have 33, because each gesture makes a 3. You also have 666 and 666 because both hands together make 666 and 666.

This translates to something further.

33 is the center number.

On each side of 33, you have three numbers that when added and reduced equal 6 just like 33.

06 (0+6=6) 15 (1+5=6) 24 (2+4=6) 33 (3+3=6) 42 (4+2=6) 51 (5+1=6) 60 (6+0=6)

Without the numerology, it looks like this:

06 15 24 33 42 51 60

Left Hand: Pinky 06, Ring Finger 15, and middle finger is 24.

Right Hand: Pinky 60, Ring Finger 51, and the middle finger is 42.

The right hand mirrors the left, but in the center is the one and only number that’s a mirror of itself, 3 and 3.

When you make that hand gesture with both of your hands, you’re making a sacred symbol, the circle with wings attached to it.

Please excuse my drawing. lol

If you notice, all these numbers like I said, can be added and reduced to 6, but in addition to that, there’s a pattern with the number 9. If you add 9 to 6 you get 15. If you add 9 to 15 you get 24, if you add 9 to 24 you get 33, and the same on the other side.

There are 7 number total: 06 15 24 33 42 51 60

Chiron represents the 3rd eye Chakra, and Chiron has an orbit between 50 and 51 years!

So, because of that, we can also look at these numbers as ages, but more importantly you can align these numbers with the chakras.








There are 33 vertebrae in the spinal column, which is split into 3 areas. The lower has 4, the one above it has 5, and the third has 24.

Remember to keep your spine straight when meditating tonight.

Moon Scope

Good Morning Beloved!

Thank you visiting Nooz Buffet, and welcome to this April 19, 2024 edition of Moon Scope.

So, the first quarter moon was on the 15th of this month, and today, April 19, this evening’s moon will be lit up at 84%. Basically, the night of the full moon hasn’t arrived yet, but it will on the 23rd in the astrological sign, Libra.

There’s a lot of deception involved with the Moon, like for example, we say that a full Moon is illuminated 100%, but don’t forget about the dark side. On the night of a full moon, the moon is actually only 50% illuminated, and it should be called a half moon. It sounds funny, but it’s true.

Photo by Pixabay on

I don’t want to confuse anyone, but that’s just the nature of the Moon as it represents emotions and subconscious thoughts within all of us. As the Moon relates to us in astrology, it symbolizes all the stuff others can’t see, and some of the stuff we ourselves really need to dig for.

This morning at 9:46 I spotted the Moon in Virgo on the 11th degree. And, while the Moon in Virgo can have us feeling argumentative and high-strung, displaying those emotions could be an indication of something deeper.

You care!

When we’re meticulous, focused on details, and trying to do something that’s important to us, when can become quite defensive and standoffish when our efforts are blocked or interrupted by others.

Since the Moon is naturally a 6th House sign, service is highlighted now. Our health, and health routines are also highlighted. When it comes to rituals and consistency, Virgo is the place to be. Joining a gym or starting a new class in cardio exercise might be the way to go. The summer is coming, and we like to look good during the summer months, plus it’s a fact that your overall mood can be improved with physical exercise.

Allergy season is upon us too, so just keep that in mind.

Other than that, it Friday! The weekend is here finally!

Lucky Numbers: 5 and 3 and 8

Highlighted Activities: Dancing, reading, writing, and baking.

There Has Been a Change

For those of us who are rooted in the world of the occult, we understand a language uncommon to most. Like a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis, we broke free, and like we have in the past and done so today, we shall continue making progress into a time yet to come.

It was a metamorphosis, and the individual minds that were merged into a glowing light of unanimous consciousness is still visible to me until this day. Success!

I thank the ancients and the ancestors. I love and appreciate you, and I will forever be grateful for your wisdom. In terms of alchemy, there has been a change. We’re no longer squaring the circle!

We’re changing the circle into a spiral.

I knew for a while now that this life was burdened with a heavy lesson involving money and possessions, which was then proven by my nodal axis ascending in house two and descending in house eight. And, this axis shared the same polarity as the ascendant and descendant, Leo and Aquarius.

It’s the ultimate struggle between air and fire, fan and flame, and validation and isolation. It was the ultimate test of self-preservation, independence, and self-sufficiency. It was about reaching a balance between firey emotions and intellect. It was about the chase, wanting you to want me, and walking away when you did. It’s a journey that’s far from over.

And I really couldn’t figure out what this lesson was about. I was confused because I loved money, I loved working and earning a paycheck, I’m ambitious, driven, and motivated. I’m educated, intelligent, and responsible.

So, why the poverty? How?

And then, today, I saw. I wished for a dollar amount, but instead, I received a biblical verse of equivalency. I asked for $7.25, but you gave me Daniel, 7:25.

This lesson, I now realize, is deeper than money. So, now I look at the second house of possessions differently because although I don’t have much in terms of money and physical possessions, I’m abundant in faith and love.

Good luck, grace and peace to you all on your journey, and remember..

We’re spiraling the circle.

The Law of Karma

We hear this term a lot, and there’s a whole bunch of videos on YouTube now that deal with instant Karma (some are kind of funny), but what is Karma, and what do we know about it?

Astrologically speaking, energy that manifests in relation to karma can be found in the 12th House. The 12th House is ruled by Pisces and it’s the natural home of Neptune. The dark waters of the 12th House have always had a mysterious and mystical mystique about them, but we do seem to know something for sure.

If you’re trying to understand or figure out the rewards and punishments you receive, the 12th House is where you’d go, and because the 12th and 6th houses are locked in polarity, you can look to the 6th for issues pertaining to service. When we’re talking about service, it doesn’t only have to mean service to others; it can mean service to yourself and routines connected with health, service to God or your faith, or how you preform on the job or at work.

So what is Karma? Well, Karma has its roots in Central Asia, however, the doctrine of Karma and reincarnation was established in Hindu Religion and Hindu Astrology, which began in 5000 BC, or 7,024 years ago. You see, you cannot talk about Karma without talking about reincarnation because they go hand in hand, but here in the Western World, there is no doctrine for either.

So, we have to dig a little for the truth. That’s nothing new, right?

Karma is the journey of the soul through various lives, which are called incarnations. The law of Karma is inevitable and binding. That means we cannot escape it. It’s binding like a contract.

It’s important to mention Jesus at this point because it was on the cross during his crucifixion that Jesus said, “It is done, all debts are paid.” So, while your belief in Jesus might save you from the need of balancing your Karma, I don’t think we’re exempt from the rewards and punishments our own actions bring upon us. Or, maybe we are.

Anyway, I digress, but there is balancing act involved here that I’ll get to in a minute.

So, in the belief that we live in a completely moral universe, you should be mindful that what you say, what you do, and how you treat yourself and others, will at some point be mirrored back to you. The Universe is the judge, and it doesn’t discriminate. It might not be today, it might not be tomorrow or next year, but eventually, it will.

You must be pure of heart and sincere in your actions.

Karma is connected to the soul, and both are connected to reincarnation because the belief is that this life and all the others you might’ve lived were really about the maturation and evolution of the soul. It has been said that we’re are spiritual entities looking for a human experience.

Your soul, based on its Karma and the specific experiences it needed to have in order to learn and grown, picked your body specifically. It picked you for your parents, your childhood home and environment, your skin color, and your gender.

The real you is what others can’t see, but that’s the whole trick. You’re appearance alone will create experiences.

When it comes to balancing Karma, we move on to to topic of ascension. In order to achieve ascension, you must balance 51% of your Karma. That’s not easy to do. I think there has only been 72 known ascended masters throughout the entire history of the human race.

Alright everyone, enjoy your Sunday.

It’s beautiful here in Pennsylvania; blue skies and 75 degrees.


BREAKTHROUGH DISCOVERY! Past, Present, Future: 6,3,9

Good Morning Beloved!

It is with GREAT excitement that I share my current findings with you.

This is what I just realized:

This current Grand Cycle began in 23,820 BC on the Zero degree of Pisces moving backwards through the zodiac.

♒23,820=15/6. ♑21,660=15/6 ♐19,500=15/6 ♏17,340=15/6 ♎15,180=15/6 ♍10,860=15/6

♌8700=15/6 ♋6540=15/6 ♊4380=15/6 ♉2220=6 ♈60=6

All the years equal 15 and reduce to 6! The numerology of Man is, M=13 A=1 N=1. 13+1+1=15/6! The numerology of Sun is S=6 U=8 N=1. 6+8+1=15/6!

That means all these astrological ages from the beginning of this current Grand Cycle, which began in 23,820 BC, REPRESENT THE AGES OF MAN! The numerology shows Man and Sun both equal 15 and both reduce to 6, which coincides with years of the astrological ages!

I noticed something was off, because Pisces was the only sign not represented above. If you look closely at how I broke down the ages, you’ll see only 11 signs.

If this current Grand Cycle began in 23,820 BC in the Age of Aquarius, and it restarts in 2100 AD in the sign of Aquarius, why is Pisces not represented?

This is what I just realized. 2100 AD, which is our re-entry into the light and the beginning of the next Grand Cycle, is different because for the first time, the numbers , if added and reduced, equal 3! 2+1+0+0=3.

Now, look at this. If our current Grand Cycle, which ends and begins anew in 2100 AD, REPRESENTS THE SUN AND THE AGES OF MAN (6), and the NEW GRAND CYCLE BEGINS WITH A NUMBER THAT EQUALS 3 (2100), THEN WE’RE MISSING SOMETHING.


The Future. 3

The brand-new Grand Cycle, which begins in 2100 AD, will have astrological ages that all equal the number 3. 2100=3, 4260=12/3, 6420=12/3, 8580=21/3, 10,740=12/3, and so on. I don’t even need to go on because I know. All these years will either equal 12 and reduce to 3, or they’ll equal 3. But 3 is the number.

The Present 6

This current Grand Cycle, which is shown to have begun in 23,860 BC, represents the masculine, man, and the Sun. But, this picture is deceiving.

This picture shows the ages of the current Grand Cycle, and the beginning of the next of the future Grand Cycle, but what about the Past?

If you add 2,160 (an astrological age) to 23,820, which is the beginning of this current Grand Cycle, the answer is 25,980. 25,980=24/6. If you go in reverse, it continues: 28,140=15/6, 30,300=6, 32,460=15/6, 34,620=15/6, 36,780=24/6, and so on.

The Past 6

If you begin with the year 23,820, add 2,160 years and go in reverse, it equals 25,980 BC. (2+5+9+8+0=24/6). I continued to add 2,160, and all the numbers from the years of the previous Grand Cycle, when added and reduced, equaled 6. That means the past and the current time is one. The only time any of the years of these astrological ages does not reduce to 6, is at the beginning of the next cycle.

The Past and the Present Time is one and the same.

As far back as I’ve gone, I saw that all the numbers of the astrological ages reduced to 6, which means there has been a heavy focus on the sacred masculine, the Sun, and Man. The past and the present times have only been focused on one side of our makeup, the positive side.


According to my numerology, Oculus 13, Jesus Christ = 73.

Jesus=35 Christ=38. 35+38=73.

2100 AD. 2+1+0+0=3.

2100 divided by 3 = 700. 2100 divided by 7 = 300. Why or how is 2100 AD tied to Jesus Christ besides the numerology? Because we’re going from the beginning of the previous Age, which was 60 BC, to the year of the New Age, 2100 AD.

This shift replicates the original shift that took place when Christ was born.

3 BC 2 BC 1 BC…. 1 AD 2 AD 3 AD, and so on. Once again, we’re going from BC to AD, but on a much grander scale.

The number 3 represents divinity. It represents completeness and wholeness. It represents the father, son, and holy spirit.

I’ll give you an example of how 3 represents wholeness and completeness. If God took 1 soul and split it into 2-giving man one half and woman the other half, than both halves would have to be complete within themselves. This process and understanding it, takes 3 stages.

1-one soul complete

2- division- one soul is split in half, one side light, and one side dark

3-completion- the light half contains a dark and a light side, and the dark half contains a dark and a light side. Both halves are complete within themselves, and are a microcosm of the macro.

Marriage is the symbolic union of man and woman coming together to reunite those halves split by God, but marriage isn’t necessary for man and woman to become whole or complete within themselves.

If the current time is as it always was, 6, and the future is divinity represented by 2, then what’s missing? The only way for you to know what’s missing is if you were able to manifest your divinity, but I’ll tell you.


9 is missing. We have 6, and we’ll have 3, but we haven’t seen 9 yet.

What does this mean? Well, you know, or at least you’ve heard the key to the universe is

3 6 9 right? So, then you know automatically if 6 and 3 are present, then 9 is the missing number.

So, what’s missing?

MOON (13+2+2+1=18/9). 9=Moon. WOMAN (10+2+13+1+1=27/9). 27/9=Woman. 9 represents the sacred feminine, the moon, darkness, negativity, what’s on the inside, that which we don’t see, the subconscious, and so on.

I just read in a book, “without an image of what and empowered female looks like, we have to create it.” Creativity, intuition, and the use of the imagination becomes ever so important if we would like to manifest our divinity.

Here’s another hint from Glen Sanderfur’s book, Lives of the Master The Rest of the Jesus Story:

Here, the Master Soul is begging the creator to send him on a mission to find “her” because “she” is going astray.

The Creator is reluctant because he doesn’t want the Master Soul to incarnate and get lost as well.

But, he does, and since the beginning it has been all about 6.

I was shocked when I saw a picture of the Revelation of John that showed the Crowned Virgin because she’s standing on the Moon!

She is the personification of the Moon, she is the moon. The crown of 12 stars around her head represent the 12 signs of the zodiac.

Now, according to Cal Garrison’s Field Guide to Ascension, the Grand Cycle is a 25,920 year period. And that makes sense because if you multiply 12 times 2,160 years, it equals 25,920 years.

I was thrown off because if you add 2,160 years to 23,860, it equals 25,980, which is the time of the last astrological Age before this current Grand Cycle.

But if you add the numbers 25,920, it equals 18! And there it is. Even though none of the years in the cycle equal 9, the entire cycle itself is represented by 9! 9 is the entire process, the bigger picture, and completeness.

In order for men and woman to manifest their divinities, they must understand, incorporate, and fall in love with the process. We cannot be obsessed with and solely focused on outcomes or the end results.

Getting from A to B involves a process, and what you do during that process means everything. It’s about your attitude, and interactions along the way.

It’s a learning process.

There’s a learning process involved. Going from 23,820 BC to 2100 AD is a process, and the person we are when 2100 AD arrives will depend on what we’ve done and learned along the way.

9 is completeness. That’s what we’re looking for. Not so much the end, but completeness.