Withdrawal Pain and the Root Chakra

Good Afternoon Beloved!

This information is coming from experience. For all the people who’ve had an addiction to any kind of pain medication; did you ever notice that when you’re either out of medication or you attempt to stop taking your medication, you get a lot of pain at the base of your spine?

There are seven energy vortex centers that begin at the base of your spin and stop at the top of your head. The vortex at the base of your spine is called the root chakra, or the Muladhara. It’s the foundation for all the other chakras, and it’s said to be the location of the kundalini energy, the coiled serpent that climbs the spine.

When the root chakra is blocked, you could feel a lack of stability and security, unsafe, ungrounded, fearful, and not very confident. You might also feel depressed and not very energetic.

Now, we all know the withdrawal symptoms that are caused by not having your medication, but that pain you feel at the base of your spine has a lot to do with the blockage of your root chakra-and the body’s process of natural healing to uncover and re-energize the vortex.

The interesting thing about this is that when you make a full recovery and return to proper body functioning, you’ll feel balanced again. You’ll feel safe and no longer fearful to live your life. The root chakra is the very first chakra, so if it’s out of balance or blocked, it disrupts the other six.

Also, because you’ve been taking medication consistently and for a long time, you’re circulatory system is off, and your digestive system is off. This results in abnormal blood flow and irregular bowel movements. It’s a slow kill from the inside out.

I know man.

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