Nooz Now; The Templars Worshipped VENUS NOT BAPHOMET

June 17, 2024 Edition

Good morning beloved, thank you for visiting Nooz Buffet, and welcome to this edition of Nooz Now.

🌞Today is June 16th, and we have five more days before the first day of summer. That’s right, I know, time is flying. Friday, June 21st is summer solstice, and at noon time in the northern hemisphere, the sun will appear directly overhead at 90 degrees. Also, the summer solstice represents in the northern hemisphere, the longest day of the year with about 15 hours and 4 minutes of daylight.

💚I recently published two videos on YouTube, one was titled, “Is Drake a 69 God? Did JFK join Charles Hapgood’s Quest For God?” The other video was a follow up video I posted because some additional information came my way about Charles Hapgood and former president of the United States, JFK.

I really thought Charles Hapgood discovered gold at the bottom of the Atlantic through his academic research and scholarly endeavors, but I had to rethink that. During WWII, Hapgood was employed by the office of the Coordinator of Information. The COI became the OSS, Office of Strategic Services, and the OSS became the CIA. He was also employed by the Red Cross, and he served as a liaison officer between the White House and the Office of the Secretary of War. It’s very possible that Hapgood could’ve gotten information about the gold either while working for the Red Cross, or perhaps the CIA.

The second thing I discovered had to do with the Vatican and Pope John XXIII. I never really thought much about JFK becoming the first Catholic President of the United States. I always thought it was a special achievement for him personally that marked a break though in the progress of our country, but all that went away after the assassination. But, what I didn’t realize was the possibility of JFK being put in the White House as President specifically for being Catholic.

What do I mean? Fidel Castro was a growing problem, and eventually he was in a hard beef with the Vatican and Pope John XXIII who eventually excommunicated Castro for interfering with Catholic Churches in Cuba. How dare you Fidel?

Now, I feel like JFK was put into power as a Catholic to show America’s support for Catholicism and the Vatican, at a time when men like Castro would be challenging the richest organized religious establishment in the world.

And, it was over Castro and Cuba that caused President Kennedy to have issues with his own CIA for running covert missions to Cuba without his concent! Kennedy’s CIA was undermining his position, and Kennedy wanted the CIA GONE! But, what happened? Kennedy went and the CIA stayed. And just so you know, the original intelligence coming to the COI was coming from the UK. British and Canadian intelligence provided the intel.

😯Well, my friends, this was something I was going to keep hidden, but what the heck. And, let me apologize ahead of time for spilling coffee on one of my documents.

Here’s one version of my birth chart. How interesting I thought, the planets align to form a pentagon. And, the planets in the this formation was mind blowing.

Then, I realized that I could draw a pentagram within the pentagon. And, how cool this was.

But then, looked what happens when I decided to go the other way with the Star….

Do you realize how rare this is? That the planets in my chart would align to make a pentagon, and that pentagon with its lines extended, would create a pentagram that would touch all five points of the Venus 8-year cycle!!!!!!!!

This is like one in a trillion.

I now know, the pentagram represents the 8-year-Venus cycle, and I now know that the sacred feminine, represented by the Goddess of Love, Venus, was suppressed and turned demonic because someone placed Baphomet in the star and told the world it was demonic.

Well, who did that?

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