The Rebirth of Neptune

June 19, 2024

Good Morning Beloved!

Wow, so, we really caught this at the right time. As we all know, from the time sperm meets egg to the birth of new life, it’s nine months. Thanks mom! Aries, for as long as I can see, has always been the first sign of Zodiac and the ruler of the 1st House of Self.

It is in the astrological sign of Aries that the first day of spring is marked, and we celebrate the first day of spring as the Sun returns to the first house after traveling through the Zodiac band during the calendar year. In a sense, Aries like the first day of spring represents a time of rebirth, renewal, and creativity, so when a planet returns to Aries after transiting the zodiac, it’s really like a rebirth for that planet as the cycle starts over.

Photo by Feyza Dau015ftan on

Neptune will be reborn in nine months when he enters Aries in March of 2025.

Neptune entered Pisces, the sign it rules in 2011/2012, and it will enter Aries and the 1st House in 2025/2026. Two years are given for the entry points because of retrograde periods. I haven’t looked at the Neptune transit schedule, but from experience I know Neptune will probably enter Aries in 2025, then retrograde back into Pisces before going direct in 2026.

It wasn’t until around 2020 that I realized I had been under the spell of Neptune, and to be honest, if Neptune didn’t enter Pisces and return home, I don’t think I would’ve ever known. But, something interesting is happening. I’m now starting to become more consciously aware of Venus. That’s a story and lesson for another time, but to give you the short of it, Neptune through Pisces was a rehash of all things mystical, religious, and spiritual. A lot of that stuff we needed to know about, get up to date with, and be able to move forward from. Truth needed to come out, and I want you all to know something important.

In the larger picture and greater cycles of time, the age of light and the brand-new astrological Great Age (a period of 25,920 years) will begin in 2100. Neptune’s entry into Pisces updated us on the last 2100 years of our history as we lived through the Age of Pisces. So, Neptune enters Pisces and gets reborn, and when 2100 arrives, Neptune will have reached the 5th sign of the zodiac, Leo! Hedonism and self-indulgence will be on the menu then.

With Venus, for me personally, I don’t know if it was always the case, but on my birthday next year, Venus will be back on it’s natal chart degree, 27 degrees Pisces. An abundance of ceremonial information, sacred times, and magic is flooding in. I’ll take that as it comes, and share it with all of you.


Well, ladies and gentlemen, what are you waiting for? If you conceive now, you’ll give birth to baby Neptune in March! You will never ever have this opportunity again-to conceive while Neptune is on the 29th degree of Pisces and entering Aries in March of 2025.

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