2007-2024; Catch Up On This Journey of Spiritual Awakening

Seventeen years into this personal journey of spiritual awakening has caused me to stop and reflect yesterday on all that I’ve learned and accomplished.

So much can’t even put into words, and so much wouldn’t be understood or believed by someone who isn’t interested or on a similar path, and that’s okay because part of this journey is to find like minded people.

It was around 2010 that I developed an appreciation for this path that I honestly feel I was destined to be on. We live in a world with a system that has us constantly reaching out for all of our needs, and we graduate from an educational system that teaches us about everything other than ourselves. When astrology and numerology, specifically, was dropped in my lap, I was in awe of the uniqueness of it because for the first time, I felt like I discovered something that could help me learn about myself.

It all began with synchronicity and dreams, then it progressed into astrology, and now in 2024, we’re headed into full-blown mysticism. I learned about the cycle of planets, I’ve studied reincarnation intensely, and I’ve seen the light. I believe in reincarnation. I read three different sources that were written in three different places at three different times throughout history, and all of them shared a common thread-a vision of what the afterlife was like.

I learned about salvation, and it’s my belief that personal salvation is tied into the balancing of your personal karma, which ultimately has to do with ascension. If you can balance (51% they say) your karma and achieve ascension, then salvation is at hand. Light is memory and wisdom, and the goal is to remember, which you will do if you can find the light. Salvation is being born with memory so that you’re not doomed to repeat what you’ve already gone through in previous lives.

Personally, my life path number is 9, which you can find by adding the numbers in your birth date. For me, it was 2+7+1+9+8+0=27. 2+7=9. It was a joy to meet others 9’s, but I was especially excited when I met and dated 36 for two years. I really didn’t understand why I was so drawn to her when I was with her, but it came to me yesterday. Finally, after twelve years.

3 is the dimension we’re in, and 6 is the dimension where our personal source and guides reside. Establishing your connection with God means that you’ve opened up the channels and lines of communication between the 3rd and 6th dimensions, bypassing the fourth and fifth. God, Father Sky, is three dimensions above you with a birds eye view and the plan for your life. The Goddess, Mother Earth is your heart. Once you connect both, you have intuition and a 6th sense (that’s why it’s called a 6th sense, it comes from 6-D).

God will help you find your spirit, and your spirit, when you find it, will give you all the wisdom and knowledge from all the lives you’ve lived. That will bring you current and put you in the now moment. Then, you have to pull down, from 9-D, through 6-D, and into your heart in the 3rd dimension. That’s full cosmic consciousness and a Master of time and space. You have options at that point.

I was listening to Coast to Coast yesterday, and there was a woman on there who sharing her abduction story. She was almost haunted by beings she couldn’t see, and the final step was when they made physical contact with her by engraving two X’s at the base of her spine. She interpreted that as them trying to get her attention, and she was definitely paying attention after that.

That story brought back something deeply personal that happened to me around 2013. I was sitting on my bed looking at my right foot when all of a sudden and image pressed through the skin just above my ankle. In the brief moment it was there, it appeared to be a skull, then it disappeared.


I did some research yesterday, and what I found in my astrological chart was a pediment connecting my Sun on the 18th degree of Aquarius, to the MC on the 17th degree of Aries, and the third point, the 15th degree of Gemini. On Gemini’s 15th degree is Victory and the star, Rigel.

Rigel is the foot of Orion! And Aquarius rules the ankles and shins!

What I learned yesterday was that in the 1500’s, Orion was a female! Yes, Orion, the Hunter, was a female, and what came flooding into my head at that point was that song by Dido, when she sings, “I want to be a hunter again..”

The star Rigel, was known as the left leg/foot of the Great One, Jauzah. The message from all that is that the balancing of the male and female within me has been a success. It was a Victory as indicated by the asteroid on the same degree. The connection to Aquarius 18 is telling me not be afraid to be myself, authentic, and original. Truth and honesty are reinforced by Aquarius 18.

At all costs, I must maintain my individuality because something very important is on the line. The 17th degree of Aries reinforces the need to get away from the daily grind of life when it’s necessary.

After seventeen years, I’m finally starting to trust in the wisdom and fire of the heart. I’m learning the energies, and I’ve finally realized that fighting them is pointless. Fighting the flow of life delays things. Just go with the flow.

I want you guys to know, all of my readers and followers, that you have the answers. Trust yourself. No one knows you better than you know yourself. We have an opportunity to be reborn in the Age of Light will full memory!


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