3,6,9; Chakras and Frequency

Good Evening Beloved.

The Moon is 99% illuminated. Last night was officially the night of the full moon, but they’re calling it full again, which is good because that gives us another night to meditate on a full Moon in Scorpio.

Here’s something to think about:

This hand gesture represents two things. It represents the number 3, because the pinky finger, the ring finger, and the middle figure represent the number 3.

It also represents the number 6. If you trace the middle figure around the thumb to where it meets the pointer finger, you’ll see it makes a backwards 6. You can also do that with the ring finger and the pinky finger, and that gives you 666. So, this hand gesture represents 3 and 666.

When you put your hands together, you now have 33, because each gesture makes a 3. You also have 666 and 666 because both hands together make 666 and 666.

This translates to something further.

33 is the center number.

On each side of 33, you have three numbers that when added and reduced equal 6 just like 33.

06 (0+6=6) 15 (1+5=6) 24 (2+4=6) 33 (3+3=6) 42 (4+2=6) 51 (5+1=6) 60 (6+0=6)

Without the numerology, it looks like this:

06 15 24 33 42 51 60

Left Hand: Pinky 06, Ring Finger 15, and middle finger is 24.

Right Hand: Pinky 60, Ring Finger 51, and the middle finger is 42.

The right hand mirrors the left, but in the center is the one and only number that’s a mirror of itself, 3 and 3.

When you make that hand gesture with both of your hands, you’re making a sacred symbol, the circle with wings attached to it.

Please excuse my drawing. lol

If you notice, all these numbers like I said, can be added and reduced to 6, but in addition to that, there’s a pattern with the number 9. If you add 9 to 6 you get 15. If you add 9 to 15 you get 24, if you add 9 to 24 you get 33, and the same on the other side.

There are 7 number total: 06 15 24 33 42 51 60

Chiron represents the 3rd eye Chakra, and Chiron has an orbit between 50 and 51 years!

So, because of that, we can also look at these numbers as ages, but more importantly you can align these numbers with the chakras.








There are 33 vertebrae in the spinal column, which is split into 3 areas. The lower has 4, the one above it has 5, and the third has 24.

Remember to keep your spine straight when meditating tonight.

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